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沮丧失望情绪的散布者。A pedlar of gloom and despondency.

此刻他就沉浸在怅惘之中。Now he bathed himself in despondency.

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我恳求你,不要为沮丧留地步。I entreat you, give no place to despondency.

记忆常是抑鬰症之奴隶。Memory is frequently the bond slave of despondency.

一旦天秤变得争执不休,双鱼便会陷入沮丧之中。If Libra becomes quarrelsome, Pisces will plunge into despondency.

可怜的小狗说着,失落地垂下头。So saying, the poor little dog hung down his head in silent despondency.

尼西亚基督徒不能免于对绝望与悲伤的悲观情绪。Nicene Christians were not immune to the despondency of despair and grief.

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在那不眠之夜,绝望淹上心头,再未离她而去。Despondency had come upon her there in the wakeful night, and had never lifted.

我痛苦地奋力想摆脱的就是这种沮丧。Such is the despondency from which I have always painfully struggled to get free.

人类的恶其实很多时候是在恐惧下无奈、无知的抉择。In fact human evil comes mostly a decision made from despondency ignorance and under fear.

同盟国也有创办「黑市电台」,在敌区散播绝望情绪。The Allies set up their own"black radio" stations to spread despondency in enemy territory.

他整个的人所表现的是一种驯服、坚定、无可言喻的勇于受戮的神情。His whole person breathed lowliness and firmness and an indescribable courageous despondency.

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有许多人大大的放大了看似困难的事,就顾影自怜,满心沮丧。Many greatly magnify seeming difficulties, and then begin to pity themselves and give way to despondency.

我们开始对这些紧张工作的劳动者的绝望与沮丧有所耳闻,而问题的关键在于过长的工作时间。We are beginning to hear of intense worker despondency and depression. It's really about time we listened.

她说她看到了寻求避难人士的严重沮丧,这些人在拘留中心为等待获释已经熬了几个月了。Pillay says she saw what she calls “the grim despondency of asylum seekers” who have spent months waiting to be released.

作为一个小提琴手,我有能力战胜垮掉的家庭环境和我消沉的意志,我能光芒四射。As a violinist I was able to transcend the dysfunctional home environment and my own despondency I was lifted to the stars.

过了一会,那纯洁的、带着青草香味的空气,那灿烂的阳光,以及敏妮的轻轻的缓步使他的沮丧神气缓和下来了。The pure heather-scented air, and the bright sunshine, and the gentle canter of Minny, relieved his despondency after a while.

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这是一颗破碎的心完全沮丧的最后表示。他没有力气去抓住那似是唾手可得的幸运。It was the last expression of the despondency of a broken spirit. He lacked energy to grasp the better fortune that seemed within his reach.

正如人们所知,最近的经济数据、新闻和社会媒体的论调,即“非结构性数据”也可以将市场情绪从情绪高昂转变为垂头丧气。Like the latest economic figures, news and social media buzz — “unstructured data,” as it is known — can shift the mood from exuberance to despondency.

这光明立刻穿透了累积在我心头的重重叠叠的悲戚和沮丧,以这种无处不在的光亮充溢着我的心。This radiance pierced in a moment through the folds of sadness and despondency which had accumulated over my heart, and flooded it with this universal light.