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现代的君主政体是不合时宜的事物。Contemporary monarchy is an anachronism.

它是个无意义的时代倒错还是无价的道德指南?Is it a pointless anachronism or an invaluable moral guide?

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泰姬陵完工于1643年,和玄奘的时代相差了近1000年。Completed in 1643, result was an anachronism of nearly 1,000 years.

君主政体在当今社会中被一些人视为是过时的制度。The monarchy is seen by some as an anachronism in present-day society.

在这互联网时代,“抑制言论”这个标签显得与时代气息格格不入。"NO freedom of speech" as a label is an anachronism in this era of Internet.

在这互联网时代,“抑制言论”这个标签显得与时代气息格格不入。"NO freedom of speech" as a label on Singapore is an anachronism in this era of Internet.

是谁愚蠢地把那块不同年代的笨重石头硬砌在埃尔康迪斯的加洛林王朝的石板地里呢?Who stupidly sealed that heavy anachronism of stone in the Carlovingian pavement of Hercandus?

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我把画命名为「不合时期」因为这个人物是从一个科技先进的社会而来的。The picture is titled " Anachronism" because Zed is from a very technologically advanced society.

被采访的其他人简短地说禁令不合时宜,应该立即废除。Other people interviewed simply said the ban was a silly anachronism and should be dropped forthwith.

他要克利福结婚,好生个嗣丁,克利福觉得他的父亲是个不可救药的者顽固。And he wanted Clifford to marry and produce an heir. Clifford felt his father was a hopeless anachronism.

至于这起不合时宜的事情与我接下来要写的奇异故事有没有关系那就不得而知了。Whether this anachronism had any bearing upon the astonishing history I am about to set down will never be known.

“猛禽”的反对者则说,F-22是种定价过高的过时货了——不适合自制炸弹横行的时代,而是空中格斗年代的老古董。For the jet’s detractors, the F-22 an overpriced anachronism — a relic of a dogfighting age that’s out of place in the era of the improvised bomb.

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过去例行的总统广播演讲已经有点不合时宜,奥巴马希望能够以计算机传播的方式使之复兴。The Presidential radio address is somewhat of an anachronism that Obama hopes to reinvigorate by bringing his message on-demand to people’s computers.

的确我的新诗中会出现一些年代错误,但我还运用了标点,我基本上能让听音改写的语段有自己的含义。I have certainly engaged in a certain amount of anachronism but I have also used punctuation and I have worked out ways in which this discourse makes sense.

看一看反恐战争的进程就知道,很明显我们的法律和国际协议都严重扯了后腿,充满了意识形态的痕迹和与时代的不相容。Watching the war on terror unfold, it is obvious that our laws and international agreements are seriously lagging behind, adrift in anachronism and effete ideology.

至于咬紧牙关一级一级飞黄腾达的日本男性美学与录像带一样已经成为昨日黄花。As for the Japanese male aesthetic of gritting one’s teeth to climb up the corporate ladder rung by rung, that has become an anachronism on par with the videocassette.

所有这一切无聊的庆祝,基本都建立在一种反民主的制度上,仅仅建立在特权和君主互惠上,连同背后的制度都君主制度都应予以废除。All this mawkish celebration, they maintain, merely bolsters an anti-democratic institution based on privilege and patronage, a costly anachronism that ought to be abolished.

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2001年,官员们开始意识到博物馆成为无政府主义产物,没有向外部世界展现现代象形,现代史部分永久地关闭了。The exhibition on contemporary history closed for good in 2001 as officials began to see the museum as an anachronism that did not promote a modern image to the outside world.

然而,大众法规给予这个州对重大决议的否决权,这是一个有争议的时代错误,欧洲委员会以及保时大众的新主保捷汽车公司都决定摆脱这条法规。However, the “VW law” that gives the state a veto over important decisions is a controversial anachronism which both the European Commission and Porsche, VW’s new owner, are determined to get rid of.