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可是我们总是粗心大意,没有防范这潜行者。But we are often careless, unmindful of the prowler.

小偷和跟踪狂的区别在哪里呢?What’s the difference between a prowler and a stalker?

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对于一个巡游者飞船的军官来说这是一个致命的情绪。It was a deadly sentiment for the officer of a prowler.

这周,在帕里斯希尔顿家发现了一所谓的小偷。Paris Hilton had an alleged prowler at her house this week.

这个夜游神一定有他的原因,我迟早会知道。This prowler of Patron-Minette has a reason, and I'll know it.

一个57岁的教师,韦尔斯,给巡警打电话,举报有小偷。A 57-year old school-teacher calls the cops to report a prowler.

环顾四周,小偷从未被别人看见。A prowler is someone that they’ve never seen before, looking around.

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也许那辆车和那忽来忽往的人有些关系。Perhaps there was some connection between that wagon and that prowler.

我看到了战士,和徘徊,但有什么其他的飞机?I see the fighters, and the prowler , but what are the other airplanes?

它比徘徊者拥有更多的装甲,但仍旧是轻型部队。It has more armor than the Prowler , but is still a relatively light unit.

技术上来说曹已经超过了UNSC巡游艇兵种的强制退休年龄。Cho was technically past the mandatory retirement age in the UNSC prowler corps.

清晨两点,卡罗尔夫人确信她听见有贼在起居室里偷偷走动。At 2 A. M, Mrs. Culross was convinced that she had heard a prowler in the living room.

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凌晨2点,史密斯夫人深信她听到小偷进了客厅。At 2 A. M. , Mrs. Smith was convinced that she had heard a prowler in the living room.

不要使用街上封闭式的电话亭。Avoid using an enclosed phone box in the street, as the prowler could trap you inside.

莱什坐回去,不论何处的巡游艇指挥官都有好传统,他老练的散发出耐心。Lash sat back , and in the fine tradition of prowler commanders everywhere, he practiced exuding patience.

这周,在帕里斯希尔顿家发现了一所谓的小偷。小偷和跟踪狂的区别在哪里呢?Paris Hilton had an alleged prowler at her house this week. What's the difference between a prowler and a stalker?

写这几行字的人从前就常在巴黎四郊盘桓,今天对他来说,那也还是深切回忆的源泉。He who writes these lines has long been a prowler about the barriers of Paris, and it is for him a source of profound souvenirs.

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露西把自己拉起来靠着黑猫潜入巡游艇的船壳,她的身体颤抖着,摇摇晃晃着走下丘陵。Lucy pulled herself up against the hull of the Black Cat sub- prowler craft, her body trembling. She started to stagger back down the hill.

飞机在它的任务和操作描述上与美国海军EA-6B“徘徊者”类似,虽然它技术上可能比后者落后一代。The aircraft is similar to the US Navy EA-6B Prowler in its missions and operation profile, though its technology is likely to be generations behind the latter.

路易斯安那理工大学用一个具有前置普利茅斯徘徊的复古外观和后方具有马自达未来概念的交通工具赢得了这项比赛内容。Louisiana Tech University won the category with a vehicle that had the retro look of a Plymouth Prowler in the front and the futuristic flourish of a Mazda concept car in the rear.