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因此,天鹅座x-1肯定比地球小!Cygnus X-1 must be smaller than Earth!

天鹅座x-1最有可能是一个黑洞候选体。Cygnus X-1 is one of the most likely black hole candidates.

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寻找天鹅座及天琴座的行星。It looks for planets in the constellations Cygnus and Lyra.

上面的影像是一位艺术家描绘的一张天鹅座X-1的概念画。Pictured above is an artistic impression of the Cygnus X-1 system.

双星,轨道周期是,5。6天,进行对供体星的。Cygnus X-1 is an x-ray binary which has an orbital period of 5.6 days.

它们在天鹅座的天津四这颗亮星的东北方。Look northeast of bright star Deneb in the constellation Cygnus the Swan.

在小型望远镜里就能看到天鹅座X-1系统内明亮的恒星。The bright star in the Cygnus X-1 system is visible with a small telescope.

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对于天鹅座X-1,也许只有少量的物质真正落进去。In the case of Cygnus X-1, perhaps little of that matter actually makes it in.

开普勒“将对天鹅座和天琴座中预计约10万个恒星体系展开不间断观测。Kepler will stare nonstop at 100000 stars near the Cygnus and Lyra constellations.

天琴星座北半球一星座,在天鹅座和武仙座附近,星座内包括织女星。A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Cygnus and Hercules and containing Vega.

在天鹅座内明亮的天津四东北方向上就能找到它。To find it, look northeast of bright star Deneb in the high flying constellation Cygnus.

左侧照片是位于银河系天鹅星座上被称为DR22的星云,那里充满无数新诞生的恒星。At left is a cloud, known as DR22, bursting with new stars in the Cygnus region of the sky.

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从天鹅座中的明亮恒星天津四往东北方向寻找,就能找到这一小片星云状光斑!Look for a small nebular patch north-east of bright star Deneb in the constellation of Cygnus.

这张由20帧影像组合成的图画覆盖了天鹅座北方星空大约12度天区。The 20 frame mosaic spans an impressive 12 degrees across the northern end of Cygnus the Swan.

在旷野的夜空里,你可以看到天鹅座正沿着夏季银河的星光径飞过。In a dark country sky, you can see that Cygnus is flying along the starlit trail of the summer Milky Way.

三张照片中的第一张显示银河系的天鹅星座上有一个充满无数恒星的星云。The first of three images shows a cloud bursting with stars in the Cygnus region of our Milky Way galaxy.

开普勒号发现了1235个在天鹅座,太阳系以外的星座,但是他们都属于银河系。Kepler's scans have found 1, 235 extrasolar planets in the Cygnus constellation of our own galaxy, the Milky Way.

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这幅由哈勃空间望远镜摄于1991年的图像捕捉到了天鹅座Loop超新星的一小段残骸。This 1991 image from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope captures a small section of the Cygnus Loop supernova remnant.

在70年代初,被第一次发现,它叫做天鹅座,天鹅座X-1是x射线。And there is a very famous case that was the first one discovered X-1 in the early '70s, which is called Cygnus X-1.

该恒星系统奇特的名字说明了它是天鹅座内最亮的一个独立的X射线源。The star's very name indicates that it is the single brightest X-ray source in the constellation of the Swan Cygnus.