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欧盟委员会建议的背后还有一些深层次的原因。Still, the underlying reasons for it have some cogency.

这个概念本身的中肯性,也存在着问题。there is the problem with the very cogency of the idea itself.

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在注释上,陪审团将会得出了在这个争论中没有任何说服力的结论。Upon exegesis, the jury will conclude that there is no cogency in this contention.

不同的参与者预先提出的争论是什么?他们的说服力是什么?What are the arguments advanced by the various protagonists , and what is their cogency?

为了看清楚这种观点的合理性,让我们看看美国联邦政府的部分预算。To see the cogency of this argument, let’s look at a part of the U.S. federal government’s budget.

最后根据南京的城市特点,提出南京城市定位的中肯建议。At last, based on the characteristic of Nanjing, the paper brings forward cogency advice on urban positioning of it.

最近,辩论已经受认真的细察影响,带有它的有说服力的使人不信服的很多有影响力的哲学家。Recently , the argument has come under serious scrutiny , with many influential philosophers unconvinced of its cogency.

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将针对论证的清晰、简洁、创新、中肯与否,和综合不同思路的能力,来评定你的成绩。You will be graded for clarity, conciseness, originality, cogency of arguments, and ability to synthesize different lines of thinking.

于是,正如在其它作品中一样,他就以敏锐的洞察力对人们看似合理的信念提出了质疑。In this, as in all his work, he brought to an argument the cogency of the rationally convinced with the wisdom of one who could see the other side.

科技论文摘要属于科技文体,具备科技文体简洁、中肯、明晰的基本特征。The abstract of science and technology article belongs to the style of science and technology, which is characterized by brevity, cogency and clarity.

参与分组讨论是基本的上课方式,并且也是评量同学成绩的标准之一。Participation in discussion is essential to the life of the class and the force and cogency of students' remarks will have a marked influence on grades.

上课时,积极地参与讨论相当重要,而学生论点的力度和说服力对成绩好坏影响很大。Active participation in discussion is essential to the life of the class and the force and cogency of students' remarks will have a marked influence on grades.

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乔布斯在一份声明中肯定了法德尔夫妇为公司作出的贡献,并期待法德尔在新的工作岗位有所作为。Qiao Busi states in cogency decided the contribution that couple of law heart Er makes for the company, expect Fadeer to serve as somewhat in new working post.

当我们对辩论中说服力的下降感到苦恼时,计算机消除了线性论据,而代之以快捷、浅显的信息表达。While we fret about the decreasing cogency of public debate, computers dismiss linear argument and promote fast, shallow romps across the information landscape.

不同的层次”寓意了过去、现在和未来息息相关的紧密联系“,这也指导了整个设计工作。The differing levels provide a "simple symbolism of linking together past, present and future, as inter-reliant and simultaneously merging elements, lends the design cogency."