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这个军队里的士兵都是满族人。All the troops were Manchu men.

朗朗是满族,郎平是满族。Lang Lang is Manchu. Lang Ping is Manchu.

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三家子的只有一些村民会讲少量的满语。A few others in Sanjiazi speak a bit of Manchu.

清廷同样没有时间反应。The Manchu Court equally has no time to respond.

最终,满族的入侵结束了明朝的统治。Finally, a Manchu invasion ended the Ming regime.

受满语影响的汉语遂向南传播。Hanyu with the Manchu influence spread southward.

集满族与汉族菜点之精华而形成的历史上最著名的中华大宴。A kind of banquet where Manchu and Han food is served.

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他估量其中有一张是通知那位满清大员莅临的消息。He supposed one of them announced the visit of the Manchu.

但是在一些偏远的乡村,满族习俗得到了更好的流传。But in some remote rural areas Manchu ways held out longer.

傅满洲寻求成吉思汗的权杖,所以他能统治亚洲。Fu Manchu seeks the sceptre of Ghenghis Khan so he can rule Asia.

这是很多满族皇帝和贵族们使用的宫廷语言。It is the court dialect used by many Manchu emperors and noblemen.

大约六年前,在三家村成立了中国第一所满语学校。About six years ago Sanjiazi set up the country's first Manchu school.

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在国外,满语教学主要集中在部分大学。Manchu language education has been mainly in some universities abroad.

满族人重视了应该挡住风湿病的他们的毛皮。The Manchu valued their pelage which was believed to ward off rheumatism.

旗袍起源于满族服饰,兴盛于二十世纪三十年代的中国上海。Qipao dress, thriving in the manchu originated in the 1930's Shanghai China.

从清末至民国时期,密云“满城”逐渐走向了消亡。From the end of Qing dynasty to Minguo, Miyun Manchu City was gradually ruined.

在17、18世纪,中国居统治地位的民族就是满族。The ruling ethnic group of China in the 17th and 18th centuries was the Manchu.

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然而,满族语言教育无法适应其扩大政治影响的需要。However, Manchu language education didn’t come to match its political expansion.

第一个重大的改变就是在中国北方建立了满州的八旗制度。The first major change was establishing the Manchu banner system in north China.

百日剃发是满族的传统丧葬习俗。The haircut system of a hundred day is the traditional funeral custom of Manchu.