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三十辐共一毂,当其无,有车之用。Thirty spokes converge on a hub

有时结果会趋近这一点Sometimes play tends to converge there.

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这些线集中于某一点。These lines converge at a certain point.

1709年两军在波尔塔瓦交锋。In 1709, the two armies converge at Poltava.

涓涓之流,汇成大海。Anumber of small streams converge into avast ocean.

随着时间的过去,两种形式的主页在融汇贯通。However over time, the two homepages will converge.

是两条或三条路的交汇处。An intersection is where two or more roads converge.

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在两极地区,它们聚集并且下沉。In the polar regions, they converge and sinks again.

每一条大河都是由无数的汀滢汇聚而成的。Countless small streams converge to form a large river.

经线在靠近两极时逐渐靠近,最终汇聚在一起。Lines of longitude converge as they approach the poles.

如果你看着你的鼻尖,你的两眼就向一点集中。If you look at the end of your nose, your eyes converge.

在阿富汗,美国和中国利益一致。In Afghanistan, American and Chinese interests converge.

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这个演算法会花比较长的时间去收敛。This algorithm can take a relatively long time to converge.

那些点滴流过的相思也不会会聚成海。Those little bits of mutual concern won't converge into a sea.

汇聚同心的追求,传递同心的力量。Converge homocentric aspiration, and transfer homocentric power.

在你化做蒸汽汇聚成云的时候,为什么却不再看天上了?When you do steam converge into clouds, why not look at the sky?

外资企业的高管将辐辏上海。Supervisors of foreign-capital enterprises will converge on Shanghai.

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人们的目光一直追随着这些线条直到会聚点。The eye tends to follow these lines to the point where they converge.

您将运行一个命令并观察系统将收敛到一种稳定状态。You will run a command and watch the system converge to a stable state.

青、白尼罗河在苏丹的喀土穆汇合,然后流入埃及。Green, White Nile converge in Khartoum, Sudan, and then flows into Egypt.