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她一口气喝了十杯酒。A drink of such liquor.

我看见他正在饮烈酒。I saw him imbibing liquor.

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是啊,没有更多的饮料店。Yeah, no more liquor stores.

那是蟒蛇牌麦芽酒吗?Is that Anaconda Malt Liquor ?

他们还付了酒钱。They also paid for the liquor.

他喝了酒无所顾忌地乱说起来。He loosened up under the liquor.

“搅拌酒用的吸管”。The straw that stirs the liquor.

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永远不要把白酒当做饮料。Do not drink liquor as a beverage.

说明当时白酒品质暴烈。Proof that liquor quality violent.

茅台是一种中国的名酒。Mao-tai is a famous Chinese liquor.

你自己再倒杯酒吧。Pour yourself another cup of liquor.

酒性开始发作。The liquor began to show its effect.

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喝酒后他那晒黑的皮肤透出了红色。His tan was pinked by a liquor flush.

将五打酒瓶装在我的箱子里。Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

所以我们到这儿来了,派人去买酒喝。So we come here and send out for liquor.

茱萸入药,可制酒养身祛病。Cornel medicine, liquor health illnesses.

我可没办法弄到龙胆酒啊!I can not be procuring liquor gentian ah!

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房间里堆满了成箱的酒。The room was filled with cases of liquor.

别让你儿子喝烈酒。Stop your boy from imbibing of the liquor.

所有卖酒商店都要由州政府来经营。All liquor stores must be run by the state.