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伊薇特现在付出更多比当她租房。Yvette is now paying more than when she was renting.

就在圣诞节前,我听到Yvette说了一个将将能听懂的‘开门’。Before Christmas, I heard Yvette say a recognisable "Open the door".

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伊薇特现付更多的时候她是租用比。Yvette is now paying more than when she was renting. Is this a problem?

在与乔丹连系在一起之前,伊薇特-普列托正在拍托胡里奥伊格莱西亚斯。Before being linked to Jordan, Yvette Prieto was dating Julio Iglesias Jr.

今年五月,Yvette开始去幼儿园,每周只去一个上午。In May this year, Yvette started attending nursery for just one morning a week.

Yvette坐在小木桌前,我帮助她做各种练习。While Yvette sits at a small wooden table, I take her through various exercises.

真正的困难是,乔戈斯意识到,他对他的女人伊维特有些温情了。The real trouble was, georgos realized, he had become soft about his woman yvette.

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伊维特把雷管递给了他,然后把准备连接在定时装置上的电线放出。Yvette handed him detonators and played out wire to be connected to timing devices.

英国财政部首席大臣伊薇特·库珀表示,政府没有义务帮助银行维持运转。Chief secretary to the Treasury Yvette Cooper says the government is not in the business of running banks.

我们在一间灰暗的咨询室呆了一个半小时。We spent an hour and a half in a dingy consulting room, where the doctor performed a series of tests on Yvette.

我甚至不能说它是我一生中做的最有价值的事,因为我还不知道Yvette的将来究竟如何。Not knowing how Yvette will develop, I can't even say it will turn out to be the most rewarding thing I ever do.

依薇特从一座城市逃到另一座城市,与她的亲戚们住在一起,直到他们认为这儿已经不再安全。Yvette from one city to escaped the another, who living with her relatives until they think there is had unsafety.

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法国社会党妇女权利部前部长伊薇特·鲁迪指出,希拉克只不过是在施展收买人心的伎俩而已。Yvette Roudy, a former women's rights minister for the Socialist party, dismissed the president's announcement as a gimmick.

Yvette从来没有指过东西,从来没有玩过假想游戏,叫她的名字从来没有反应---这些都是孤独症的关键特征。Yvette never pointed at anything, she never engaged in pretend play, she never responded to her name – all key autism indicators.

这可能只是一个网上的谣言,MediaTakeOut.com今天报导麦克尔乔丹将要与古巴模特伊薇特-普列托在下周进行结婚。In what is probably just an Internet rumor, is reporting that Michael Jordan is marrying Cuban model Yvette Prieto next week.

当两岁的Yvette自得其乐地‘嘚嘟’着或摆弄着一串钥匙时,她和我所见到的任何一个孩子一样是快乐的。And, at the age of two, quite content to "durdle" away to herself or fiddle with a bunch of keys, Yvette was as happy as any toddler I had ever seen.

但是,儿科医生说关系不大,因为即使Yvette确实是孤独症,能做的也只是语言治疗,而她现在已经在接受公费医疗系统提供的语言治疗了。But, he told us, the delay would not matter because, even if Yvette was definitely autistic, all that she would receive was speech therapy, which she had just started having on the NHS.

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今年三月三十四在华盛顿特区,布鲁斯费德瑞奇站在「萨沙法斯」的照片旁边,萨沙法斯的主人伊斐特福克纳宣称她的猫在食用猫乾粮后引发肾衰竭。Bruce Friedrich next to a photograph of Sassafras in Washington, DC on 30 Mar. 2007. Yvette Faulkner, owner of Sassafras, claims her cat experienced kidney failure after eating dried cat food.