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银色月光洒下的道路。A path of silver moonbeam.

我是一个投机的月光猴子。I'm a moonbeam monkey on spec.

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月光照亮了记忆。The moonbeam shines my memory.

月光照亮了记忆。The moonbeam lights up my memory.

该怎么把月光握在手掌心?How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand?

“月光”系列完成于2010年。The Moonbeam Series was completed in 2010.

月光穿过云层缝隙照射下来。The moonbeam breaks through rifted clouds.

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他就像一道月光,一杆银枪。He is like a moonbeam like a shaft of silver.

从此以后,两只美妙的鸟儿常飞入我梦里,那里我曾邀月光一起轻歌曼舞。From then on, Two magic birds often flied in my dreams, Where I ever invited the moonbeam to dance with them.

不管我们俩的灵魂是什么做成的,它们都是一样的,而林顿与我们的差异犹如月光之于闪电,烈火之于寒霜。Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same, and Linton's is as different as a moonbeam from lightning, or frost from fire.