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多蒂,你睡不著吗?。Can't you sleep, Dotty?

看看单蒂,它在她的笼子里。Look at dotty . she ' s in her cage.

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我坦白承认,我跟你一样疯疯癫癫。I freely confess I'm as dotty as you are.

你不要再出那些赚钱的馊主意了!Not another of your dotty ideas for making money!

该系统可提供高容量、点对多点的宽带接入服务。This system can offer high capacity, dot to receive a service to dotty broadband.

粤曲唱功薄弱的现状是阻碍粤曲发展的主要原因。The actuality is that singing skills of Yuqu is so dotty that Yuqu′s development be baffled.

银白色鳞屑、薄膜现象和点状出血现象是银屑病的特征。Its characteristic is silvery white scale trifles , the phenomenon of membrane and dotty hemorrhage.

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我只能从中选几个网站能让你们认识多点的人,但是要找什么样的人还是需要你自己去找。I can from in choose website of a few Ge can Rang you people know dotty person, but should seek what kind of person or need yourself to search.

有他花里胡哨的访谈和诡异的做法,比如上个月公布的,所有利比亚的士兵和警察全部同时获得提拔。There are his flamboyant interviews and dotty gestures, such as last month's announcement that all Libya's soldiers and policemen had been simultaneously promoted.

Coburn认为Norquis的想法太不可理解,他说反对我提出的修正案,就是在保护毫无意义的支出,对每一个美国人来说意味着税收的增加。He thinks the Norquist position is dotty. “By opposing my amendment”, he told the ATR, “you are defending wasteful spending and a de facto tax increase on every American.