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我已经来到耀华是为了学习。I have come to Yew Wah to learn.

李光耀的出现是个异数。Kuan Yew is something of an oddity.

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欢迎所有耀华学生和家长参加。Welcome all Yew Wah students & parents.

为什么牛不在紫杉附近吃草?Why should cattle not graze near yew trees?

针叶树篱,如紫杉、刺柏、红木等。Conifer hedge such as yew juniper redwood etc.

松柏夹道的墓地,心碎神伤Through churchyard paths of cypress and of yew

目的观察红豆杉茎叶的镇痛作用。Objective To study the analgesic effect of Yew.

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那个小道是位于两排长长的水松树篱之间的一条小路。The Alley is a path between two long yew hedges.

苔藓挂满了铁杉,雪松,和红豆杉树枝。Lichen drips from hemlock, cedar, and yew branches.

斑叶罗汉松,叶面有白色斑点。Spot leaf yew podocarpus face of blade has white spot.

紫杉树篱使两人的脚步声听上去发闷。The yew hedges muffled the sound of the men's footsteps.

中的爱的水,它是如此的有困难,保持紫杉。Bugsy loves the water so much that Yew has trouble keeping up.

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游牧师与师母陈慈爱女士共有两位儿子以及四名孙儿。Rev. Yew and wife Maryann have two sons and four grandchildren.

和紫杉中的已经放弃跳伞,在新娘的坚持。Bugsy and Yew have given up skydiving, at the bride's insistence.

她熟悉一个小小的角隅,那里有棵紫杉树,树下有个座位。She knew a little corner where was the seat beneath the yew tree.

对于很多学生来说,这将是他们在耀华的第一次大型考试。For many students this will be their first set of exams at Yew Wah.

紫杉果实虽味道甜美,但其果核外层有毒。Yew berries are delicious but have a poisonous coating on the seed.

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新加坡的李光耀依然喜欢在幕后操纵大局。Lee Kuan Yew still likes to jerk the strings backstage in Singapore.

节约的生活中的创造无条件的相信我们之间,“紫杉说。"Saving Bugsy's life creat unconditional trust between us, "Yew says.

其穿透性达到了英国紫杉长弓的水平。That kind of penetration is only achieved with the British yew longbow.