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胡安巴尔德斯用你的名字命名他的骡子.Juan Valdez names his mule after you.

巴尔德斯被卷入到这起冲突当中。Mr. Valdez was sucked up into the conflict.

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在美国,巴尔德斯面临三项指控。Mr. Valdez faces three indictments in the United States.

然而,这一切还要等欧洲自己的瓦尔迪兹号泄漏事故发生后才成为现实。But it did so only after Europe’s own versions of the Valdez spill.

现在,进出瓦尔迪兹港的油轮由特别的拖船引导。Special tugs now usher tankers in and out of Valdez to the open sea.

伍德尔被告之——“埃克森瓦尔迪兹号”在阿拉斯加东南部布莱礁搁浅,造成大量原油泄漏。The Exxon Valdez had run aground on the Bligh Reef, and was leaking oil.

内讧中巴尔德斯和贝尔特兰*莱瓦的兄弟,海克特竞争。The internecine struggle had pitted Mr. Valdez against Mr. Beltrán Leyva’s brother, Hector.

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对于如何最佳利用艾克森瓦第兹灾难事件的补偿款项,一场激烈的争辩正在进行着。A battle is raging over how best to spend the settement money from the Exxon Valdez disaster.

志愿者们涌向瓦尔迪兹,用温和的肥皂泡擦拭海獭和野鸭,却只能眼睁睁看着它们死去。Volunteers rushed to Valdez to scrub otters and ducks with gentle soap, only to watch them die.

利用预先设置的装备,反应团队可以成功地处理小规模的漏油事故。Response teams armed with pre-positioned equipment have successfully handled smaller spills at Valdez.

在后一项方案中,天然气经过液化后从瓦尔迪兹装船运往亚洲及其他地方。In the latter case, the gas would be liquefied and loaded aboard ships from Valdez to Asia and elsewhere.

在新墨西哥州的一家汽车机械师叫乔巴尔德斯成为第一个吸血鬼疫苗成功的收件人。In New Mexico an auto mechanic named Joe Valdez becomes the first successful recipient of the vampire vaccine.

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他表示,公司也在研究亚洲市场,并与墨西哥和中美洲国家建立了合作伙伴关系。Juan Valdez is also studying the Asian market and creating partnerships in Mexico and Central America, Munoz said.

巴拉圭巴尔德斯跃过了西班牙的竞赛时代,皮奎7月3日在约翰内斯堡埃利斯公园体育场。Paraguay's Nelson Valdez jumps over Spain's Gerard Pique during their match July 3at Ellis Park stadium in Johannesburg.

至少有官方估计的埃克森公司在阿拉斯加瓦尔迪兹造成的灾害那么大。That's at least as large as the official estimate of the Exxon Valdez disaster" in Alaska, he told The Associated Press.

古巴雪茄厂朗读者葛丽赛尔‧维尔达兹七月十二日在哈瓦那乌普曼雪茄厂中,为捲雪茄工人读报。Cuban cigar factory reader Grisel Valdez reads the newspaper to cigar rollers at H. Upmann Cigar Factory in Havana on July 12.

巴尔德斯加入到战斗中很大程度是为了自保,而且自那以后他就一直在与他们斗争,据他哥哥说。Mr. Valdez joined in the fight against them partly in self-defense, and he has been battling them ever since, his brother said.

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最后等到警方攻入旅馆后,瓦尔德斯举起手枪,朝自己胸部射击,因为伤势严重,被紧急送往医院。Finally, wait until the police invaded the hotel, Valdez raised the pistol toward his chest shot, because seriously, was rushed to hospital.

不同于1989年埃索公司油轮在瓦尔迪兹的灾难是一场可控的事故,墨西哥湾漏油事故在爱德华王子海峡留下了厚厚的油泥。The Gulf oil spill is not a containable event like the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster, which dropped thick sludge in Prince Edward Sound, Alaska.

1989年3月24日夜晚,埃克森·瓦尔迪兹号油轮在阿拉斯加阿拉斯加威廉王子湾未经开发海域的布莱礁搁浅。On the night of March 24, 1989, the Exxon Valdez oil tanker ran aground on Bligh Reef in the pristine waters of Alaska's Prince William Sound.