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在美国,“工作很难找”,资讯公司HIS汽车部高级汽车经济师乔治•麦格里亚诺说道。In the U.S. "the jobs just aren't there, " says George Magliano, senior auto economist for IHS Automotive.

针对这一情况,提出了一种基于IHS空间的红外与可见光图像的像素级融合算法。So a pixel-level image fusion algorithm for infrared and visible light image based on IHS space is proposed.

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IHS全球视角预测公司亚洲分析员G称,情况仍没有被控制。"The situation is not under control yet, " said Thomas Grieder, Asia analyst at forecasting firm IHS Global Insight.

IHS变换属于色彩空间的变换,由于灵活实用的优点而被广泛使用,成为图像融合技术的一个成熟的方法。IHS transform belongs to color space transform. Because of agility and practicality, it becomes the standard of image merging.

对于高分辨率的全色图像与低分辨率的多光谱图像,通常采用传统的IHS方法进行融合。For high-resolution panchromatic image and low-resolution multispectral image, usually adopted the traditional fusion method of IHS.

IHS暗示,这一现象表示在接下来的四年,灰色市场上的手机销量会持续下降。This will launch a pattern where gray-market handsets continue to decrease in unit shipments for the next four years, IHS indicated.

IHS全球观察的北京小组的阿利斯泰尔·桑顿说,即使是中国明确承诺“也不会成为游戏规则的改变者。”Alistair Thornton, of IHS Global Insight's Beijing team, said even a definite Chinese commitment "is not going to be a game-changer".

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“这些区域实际上受到地产破产的影响还未恢复,”吉姆迪夫利说,环球透视一位地方的经济家…"The areas really affected by the housing bust have yet to come back, " said Jim Diffley, a regional economist at IHS Global Insight.

全球工业数据与分析机构IHS的高级分析师伊恩•佛格表示,电池技术的发展一直以来都落后于许多依靠电池充电的设备。Battery technology has been slower to evolve than the many battery-powered devices that rely on it, said Ian Fogg, senior analyst at IHS.

实验结果表明该方法效果良好,优于传统的以及改进的IHS方法和PCA方法。Experimental results indicate that the proposed method outperforms the IHSmerger, PCA merger, improved IHS merger and improved PCA merger.

主张建造的人认识到,获得国会批准筑路资金绝非是件理所当然或轻而易举之事。Advocates of such a system realized that securing congressional approval to finance construction of the IHS would never be automatic, or easy.

还发现了该机型用于拍摄3D照片的3摄像头系统.另外,3DS的立体显示面板则由夏普生产,尺寸为3.英寸,分辨率为800x240像素。The 3DS also features a 3-D display made by Sharp that measures 3.5-inches in size with a total 800 by 240 pixel format, according it IHS iSuppli.

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问题在于我们对宏观经济管理不善,这让我们陷入了大麻烦。"The problem is that we mismanaged the macroeconomy, and that got us in big trouble, " said Nariman Behravesh, chief economist at IHS Global Insight.

因此,本文重点研究基于双正交小波变换和IHS变换的多光谱和全色遥感图像的融合技术。Consequently, this paper puts emphasis on the multispectral and panchromatic remote sensing image fusion based on IHS and biorthogonal wavelet transform.

“这是一个很不错的买点一般风力资产,因为价格如此之低,”马修说卡普兰,新兴能源研究与信息处理服务公司的高级分析师。"Now is a very good time to buy wind assets in general because prices are so low, " said Matthew Kaplan, senior analyst with IHS Emerging Energy Research.

本田将出现问题,现代在印度也没有任何小型非柴油车,这对他们是非常不利的。“Honda will have a problem, ” said Deepesh Rathore, managing director of IHS Global Insight India. “Hyundai doesn’t have any diesel engines for small cars.

主成分变换和彩色变换相结合,为多波段数据信息提取提供了一种新的方法。The combined use of principal component transform and IHS color transform provides a powerful information extraction tool for multispectral data processing.

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简氏称,据公布的卫星图像显示,第一艘征服者级潜艇已经下水,现在正在伊朗博斯塔努船厂的水中。IHS Jane's revealed that the first Fateh class had been launched in November by publishing satellite imagery showing one in the water at the Bostanu shipyard.

虽然麦克唐纳的主张具有比以往更强的权威性和紧迫感,但国会直到1956年才投票为建造州际高速公路拨款。MacDonald's arguments took on even greater authority and urgency. Not until 1956, however, would members of Congress vote to appropriate funds to build the IHS.

“短期内,增速放缓意味着中国将减少对世界其他国家商品的需求”,IHS环球透视中国分析师阿里斯代尔.托顿表示。"Short-term the slowdown means China will have less demand for goods from the rest of the world, " said Alistair Thornton, China analyst for IHS Global Insight.