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这无关乎商标或者明显的标志。This is nothing to do with logos or overt symbols.

窦性心动过缓是个利于明显心衰发生的因子?Is sinus bradycardia a factor facilitating overt heart failure?

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我们应学会同敌人做公开和隐蔽的斗争。We should learn to fight with enemy in an overt and covert way.

反问句有隐性应答和显性应答之别。The study aims to distinct covert responses and overt responses.

我们应学会同敌人作公开的和隐蔽的斗争。We should learn to fight with the enemy in an overt and covert way.

这不全然是新时代的神秘唯心论或甚至宗教狂热。It's not all mystical New Age spiritualism, or even overt religiosity.

显性言语应答分为回答句和回应句。Overt and verbalized responses can be divided into answers and replies.

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联想schwag推广选手博客则是个明显的例子。Lenovo's 'blog for schwag' promotion for athletes is a more overt example.

民国时期,杭州城市文化日趋鲜明。The in-city culture of Hangzhou became more tangible and overt afterwards.

戴维斯向哈吉斯解释,山达基一向避免公开的政治立场。Davis explained to Haggis that the church avoids taking overt political stands.

现在美国倒是要忍着中国的明讽暗刺了。For now, the US tolerates China's covert and overt attempts to discomfit the US.

显性衔接主要是通过语法和词汇手段实现。Overt cohesion is mainly achieved by two ways, namely, grammatical and semantical.

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退一万步讲,即使您看不到友善带来的明显成效,至少您也会更加尊重欣赏自己。You'll respect and enjoy yourself even if you never see the overt results of nice.

实验一采用认知提示线索诱发儿童的内源性外显注意转移。Cognitive cue was employed in experiment 1 to prompt the endogenous overt attention.

冷酷无情、阴险狡诈、复仇心重的哥斯拉,被当做科学肆意妄为的公然象征。Godzilla — relentless, vengeful, sinister — looms as an overt symbol of science run amok.

随着贷款限制收紧,这些变相贷款在今年已经大幅增加。Such pseudo-lending has exploded this year as constraints on overt lending have tightened.

它们把这种明显由中国的增长模式导致的对立解释为合理的。They explain the antagonism created by overt criticism of China’s growth model, however justified.

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分开或隐蔽反对我部扩大权限的风源当然是博尔曼。Bormann was surely the source of all the overt or covert opposition to an expansion of my Ministry.

分开或隐蔽反对我部扩大权限的风源当然是博尔曼。Bormann was surely the source of all the overt or covert opposition to an expansion of my ministry.

在一个和谐的国家里,中国的巨富走了一条很好的路线。In a country that mixes overt communism with covert capitalism, China's super-rich walk a fine line.