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不可能和无能者是最好的搭档。Impossibility and incapable persons are unique partners.

但是,他们没有充分考虑到衡量的不可能性。But they do not give sufficient weight to this impossibility.

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股价一天之内有如此程度的暴跌,本来是根本不可能的This one-day collapse in stock prices was a virtual impossibility.

这场大雨显然使今天下午的野餐泡汤了。The heavy rain speak of the impossibility of the picnic this afternoon.

如果是大神迹的话,情形不仅「困难」,并且「不可能」。If it is to be a great miracle, the condition is not difficulty but impossibility.

毕竟,在这种组合中似乎没有任何固有的不可能性。After all, there does not seem to be any inherent impossibility in the combination.

大家都觉得在卞福汝主教跟前没有发迹的可能。The impossibility of growing great under Monseigneur Bienvenu was so well understood.

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由此,现代性危机转化成日常性的不可能性。Therefore the crisis of modernity has turned into the impossibility of everyday life.

说实话,我觉得这个理念是现在微软几乎不可能实现的了的。I, frankly, find this concept a near impossibility for the company to accomplish at present.

“蝴蝶效应”表明,对复杂系统做出预测是不可能的。The "butterfly effect" illustrates the impossibility of making predictions for complex systems.

本文之旨在于探讨双务契约给付不能之效力。This article aims to discuss the effects of impossibility of performance in bilateral contracts.

海德格尔将死亡定义为一种不可能的可能性。Heidegger defines death as an impossible possibility while Levinas it a "a possible impossibility".

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变化莫测的黑洞群使基地几乎不可能被意外发现。The concentration of treacherous black holes made accidental discovery of the base an impossibility.

固定的问题,造成无法完成比赛,并在CCWA基地给予公开优惠。Fixed the problem causing impossibility to complete competitions and open offers given at CCWA bases.

不能犯应当作为独立的犯罪形态从未遂犯中独立出来。Impossibility of crime should be independent from criminal attempted as an independent criminal form.

阿罗不可能性定理论证了没有一种选举的方法总是可以给出“正确”的结果。Arrow's "impossibility theorem" demonstrates that no system of voting always gives the "right" result.

我希望,这番话将会让大家先平心静气,这样我才能跟他们谈精神分析师的立场是如何的不可能。I hope this will calm them down before I talk to them about the impossibility of the analyst's position.

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无广告出版物被说成是对公众不利的,或者说在经济上是不可能的。The adless publication is painted either as a disservice to the public, or as an economic impossibility.

其不可能性和不必要性可以从死亡的必然性和必要性得到反证。Its impossibility and dispensability may derivecounter-evidence from the inevitability and necessity of death.

所以基本上不可能预测一个潜在的输入错误或返回查看读过的内容。So it is a virtual impossibility to look ahead for a potential typo or even to look back at what was just read.