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即使心碎,也已为时晚矣。Then it's already too late for heartbreak.

赛琳心碎地在酒吧喝酒,跳舞,发泄。SaiLin heartbreak in bar drink, dance, vent.

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那就是伎人们悲伤欲绝的时分。The heartbreak time for the dancers would come.

我将所有的悲伤和心痛也体现在走路中。I gather all my sorrow and heartbreak into my walking.

谁整夜不回又让谁心碎。Who is letting who do not return all night heartbreak.

当然还有成千上万令人心碎的故事。Of course there are thousands more stories of heartbreak.

“宁愿要一些责骂,也不要大量的悲伤”。Better a little chiding than a great deal of heartbreak"."

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然而曲棍球又再一次上演了心碎结局,远在天边又近在眼前。It was heartbreak in hockey yet again, so near yet so far.

多与朋友交流来分担你的悲伤和心碎。Spend time with friends, and share your grief and heartbreak.

他们因癌症夺去了一个孩子而肝肠寸断。They suffered the heartbreak of losing a child through cancer.

情感线上的缝隙暗示这个人曾有过的伤心事。Gaps on the heart line suggest the person has known heartbreak.

断肠无语问苍天,天不语,唯有泪徘徊。Heartbreak nowhere to turn, day in silence, only tears hovering.

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你同样吸烟削尖削尖时刻以及你深爱的人的抛弃。You will also face heartbreak and abandonment by those you love.

你同样会面临心碎时刻以及你深爱的人的抛弃。You will also face heartbreak and abandonmen t by those youlove.

例如,当我们失恋时,我们与心碎的悲痛感抗争。When we lose a love, for instance, we fight our feelings of heartbreak.

实际上它或许在某种程度上可以使我们免于痛心疾首。It actually may protect us to some degree from heartache and heartbreak.

最后,主题曲是一首简单的导致伤心的分手歌。Finally, the title track is a simple break-up leading to heartbreak song.

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丈夫出狱后移情别恋,令她伤心欲绝。After the husband leaves prison loves another, makes her to die by heartbreak.

如果你将这种可能性认为是一种现实,你伤心的可能性就会小些。If you consider this possibility as a reality, your chances of heartbreak will be less.

我有过心碎和伤心的时刻,但也有象这样快乐的时刻。There has been pain and heartbreak along the way, but there have been moments like that.