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奥特切克为这种随心所欲的办公室文化感到自豪。Mr. Altchek is proud of the freewheeling office culture.

但网络的无拘无束让慕容感到震惊。But the freewheeling nature of the Internet could surprise even Mr. Murong.

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有人从中看到了美国式随心所欲原则的影子,只不过是在食物辣点、道路差点的印度。Some see an echo of America's freewheeling approach, with spicier food and worse roads.

但他的饶舌和随意的表演,对韩国音乐公司的高层来讲太奇怪了。But his chatty raps and freewheeling shows were too unusual for Korean music executives.

在泡沫时代处于高潮之际,伦敦的金融商业区无疑比华尔街更加放任自由。At the height of the bubble days, the City was arguably more freewheeling than Wall Street.

随心所欲的博客世界好似真正的自由言论的最后一个堡垒。The freewheeling world of the blogosphere seems like the last bastion of truly free speech.

在中国拍摄的前半段比较自在轻松,而在英国拍摄的后半段就不再那样了”。The first half – more freewheeling and relaxed – was shot in China and the second half in the UK.

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索尼爱立信汲取了爱立信流程条理分明的优点和索尼自由开放的创造性思维模式。The company draws on Ericsson's strength in orderly process and Sony's freewheeling creative mindset.

如果你在随心所欲的大学生活里欠下信用卡债务,开始认真地还掉这些债务吧。If you have any credit card debts from your freewheeling college years, begin paying those off in earnest.

还是不受任何束缚、随心所欲的野丫头?谁能成为你眼中大方得体的完美女人?Is there freewheeling hoyden who is without any bondage?Who will be the generous and perfect woman in your eyes?

这个笑话俘获了早期想在互联网上匿名自由浏览者的芳心,只是现在情况不一样了。This joke captured the freewheeling anonymity of the early stages of internet adoption, but it doesn’t work now.

作为一名年轻的外来务工人员的,雷改玲选择到中国工业化快速发展和自由的南方去碰运气。As a young migrant worker, Lei Gailing sought her fortune in China's fast-industrializing and freewheeling south.

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北京政府对日益增长的那些随心所欲的真人秀和这些节目所产出的那些从不客气的明星慎之又慎。Beijing has long been wary of China's increasingly freewheeling reality programs and the outspoken stars they produce.

就算纾困计画稳定了市场,华尔街也不会重回昔日呼风唤雨、财源滚滚的作风。Even if the bailout stabilizes the markets, Wall Street won't go back to its freewheeling , profit-spinning ways of old.

它大概已接手迪拜自由惯了的公司的股权或者将管制加诸于这些经理人之上。It might, say, have taken equity stakes in Dubai's freewheeling corporations or sought some control over their managers.

以低价倾销和争夺市场份额为目的的无利可图的扩张时代已经过去了。Gone are the days of freewheeling growth built on unprofitable expansion designed to flood markets and capture market share.

而续流期间插入到变压器的一次侧造成传导损耗的开关器件。And the freewheeling periods inserted in to the primary side of the transformer cause conduction loss to the switching devices.

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虽然谷歌希望尽快扩充军马,但也要确保雇员能够适应这里率性而为的文化。Even as Google tries to hire more people faster, it wants to make sure that its employees will fit into its freewheeling culture.

胡锡进的随心所欲的倾向或许代表了为争取读者的最大努力。Hu Xijin's freewheeling tendencies probably represent the most energetic effort in China to actually win readers for party papers.

中国的互联网来自于一个信息都被政府媒体编辑预先过滤的世界,在比较中惯性向前发展。Coming from a world where information was pre-filtered by editors at state-run media, China's Internet is freewheeling by comparison.