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山上覆盖着葱茏的草木。The hills are covered with verdure.

秋天使山上青葱的草木发黄。Autumn disrobes the hill of verdure.

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熙熙攘攘的城镇,悬吊着翠绿的园林。Towns in the populous trees, with hanging gardens of verdure.

青山不老翠绿着我们相知相伴的距离。Ever green mountains verdure the accompanying distance between us.

悬崖的右边倒有不少青翠的植物。However, verdure was not wanting to the right beyond the precipice.

我前面横着一片草原,新绿中点缀了红白色的花朵。There lies a grass before me, red and white flowers are sprinkled among verdure green.

草地鲜嫩翠绿,树木茂盛葱郁,果实孕育而出。The meadows become fresh and green, the trees are adorned with verdure and fruits appear upon them.

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她拣了一小束花,其中有一朵鲜艳的,两三朵素淡的,衬着几片深绿色叶儿。She had selected a little bouquet of one brilliant and two or three delicate flowers, relieved by a spray of dark verdure.

扑鼻的百里香和红色的秋牡丹豔开在青翠的树枝上,空气中充满著它们散发出来的芳香。Sweet-scented thymes and blushing anemones spread over the verdure in delicate bloom and filled the air with their fragrance.

幸亏她午餐餐桌上的碧绿爽口的沙拉能为她贪嘴的小“过失”稍加调整。Her lunch is fortunately mensal the verdure that go up tastily what salad can be her gluttonous is small " error " adjust slightly.

以新鲜去皮荸荠为原料,研究了湿法超微粉碎对荸荠全粉粒度的影响。Material with the verdure chufa, the effects of ultra-line pulverization by wet processing on the particle size of chufa powder was studied.

她到肯特五个星期以来,乡村里已经有了很大的变化,早青的树一天比一天绿了。The five weeks which she had now passed in Kent had made a great difference in the country, and every day was adding to the verdure of the early trees.

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本文主要介绍了果蔬保鲜原理,影响因素,当前的果蔬保鲜技术及今后保鲜技术发展趋势。The paper has introduced the theory of keeping verdure of fruit and vegetable, the factors, the technology of keeping verdure today and the direction in the future.