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一名英国科学家宣称已经解开了木乃伊制作的秘密。An English scientist claims to have unlocked the secrets of mummification.

埃及人相信,木乃伊保存了死者的灵魂,使其得以进入来世的旅程。The Egyptians believed that mummification preserved the soul for its journey into the afterlife.

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那是因为沙漠里的天气情况极其干燥,最适合木乃伊化。That is because the weather conditions in the desert are extremely dry and perfect for mummification.

但我们更愿意保存遗体两到三年以观察是否木乃伊制作过程起到了作用。But we would like to keep the body for two or three years to see that the mummification process worked.

分析师表示尸骨后背的一处洞口形成于对其进行木乃伊化的过程中。Our analysis revealed that a hole in the back of his skull had been made during the mummification process.

木乃伊有两种类型,常见于牛的“出血”型和猪的“纸状”型。Two types of mummification are known, the "hematic" type common to cattle and the " papyraceous " type of swine.

苏德奥里亚是助理馆长亨廷顿艺术博物馆在西弗吉尼亚州和关于木乃伊的专家。SUE D'AURIA is assistant curator at the Huntington Museum of Art in West Virginia and an expert on mummification.

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许多皇室成员死后按风俗是要一名祭司监护着他的木乃伊的。A member of the royal family has died and custom dictates that a priest must oversee the mummification of the body.

由于细菌为了生长而需要水分,若是死后尽快排干体内的水分,则木乃伊化将会成功。Since bacteria need water in order to grow, mummification usually happens if the body dries out quickly after death.

我打开水枪,她站在那里,僵硬的,双手放在身体两边,闭着眼睛,好像在等待被做成一个木乃伊。I turned on the squirt gun, and she stood there, stiff, arms at her sides, eyes closed, as though awaiting mummification.

传说,Sokushinbutsu是指通过一种独特的方式自行死去的佛教徒和僧人,这种特殊死亡方式我们称为木乃伊化。It is said that a "Sokushinbutsu" is a monk who died through a special, natural process, which we call Live Mummification.

目的比较中药六神丸与亚砷酸作为乳牙牙髓失活剂用于乳牙干髓术中的疗效及安全性。Objective To compare the curative effects and safety between Liushen Pills and arsenous acid as endodontic sealer in mummification of baby tooth.

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除了巴克利先生外,参与这次木乃伊制作的专家还包括乔安·弗莱切博士,马克辛·科和法医病理学家彼得·维纳兹。As well as Dr Buckley, the team of experts behind the mummification included Dr Joann Fletcher, Maxine Coe and forensic pathologist Peter Vanezis.

医学家说,这位埃及公主如果能够锻炼多一点,减掉卡路里,或许她能够将自己变成木乃伊的日期推迟.An ancient Egyptian princess might have been able to postpone her mummification if she had cut the calories and exercised more, medical experts say.

有些学者认为,像手杖这样的物品只是王权的普通象征罢了,图坦卡蒙的脚部损坏也许是在木乃伊制作过程中产生的。Some have argued that such staffs were common symbols of power and that the damage to Tutankhamun's foot may have occurred during the mummification process.

为了保留上层阶级的成员的尸体,木乃伊所有器官包括大脑被清除,脑髓从死尸的鼻孔中用铁钩掏出。Reserved for members of the upper classes, mummification involved the removal of all organs including the brain, which was pulled through the nose by a hook.

这种烟熏木乃伊方法已经不再实施,但是丹尼人依然保存着大量的木乃伊以表示对祖先的最高敬意。The smoking mummification is no longer practiced, but the Dani tribes people still preserve a number of mummies as a symbol of their highest respect for their ancestors.

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在这个节目开播之前,曾为研究埃及木乃伊技术的项目提供过帮助的、来自约克大学的史蒂芬·巴克利教授说,比利斯先生的尸体现在可以存放几千年。Dr Stephen Buckley of the University of York, who helped research Egyptian mummification techniques before the programme, said Mr Billis's body could now last several millennia.

在这个节目开播之前,曾为研究埃及木乃伊技术的项目提供过帮助的、来自约克大学的史蒂芬·巴克利教授说,比利斯先生的尸体现在可以存放几千年。Dr Stephen Buckley of the University of York, who helped research Egyptian mummification techniques before the programme, said Mr Billis’s body could now last several millennia.

塔哈尔卡引进更多的埃及元素的墓葬,如木乃伊,棺木和原籍埃及石棺,以及提供的数字舍卜提。Pyramidia Taharqa introduced more Egyptian elements to the burial, such as mummification , coffins and sarcophagi of Egyptian origin, as well as the provision of shabti figures.