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他生性十分随意He was very informal.

是的,我们很不拘小节的。Yes, we're very informal.

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是一种随便不拘礼节的词吗?Is"guy" an informal sort of word?

是一种随便不拘礼节的词吗?Be " guy " an informal sort of word?

防止俗语、陈腔谰言和非正式用字。Avoid slang, cliche and informal words.

要学一点男人的不拘小节。Men need to learn that the informal section.

稍息,中士。这完全是很随意的。At ease, Sergeant. This is completely informal.

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结果是一个非常朴实的,非正式的语言。The result is a very earthy, informal language.

我是去面试还是去进行非正式的谈话?Am I going for an interview or an informal chat?!

在这里,不允许有不拘礼节的来往。Here informal goings and comings are not allowed.

那些不拘形式的交涉不需要议程。Those informal negotiations don't need an agenda.

他们是否从非正式借款人那里借钱?Do they borrow money from an informal money lender?

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那是非正式和非常自由的对话。It’s a very informal and very free-flowing dialogue.

是正式还是非正式?有很多视觉辅具还是一点点?Formal or informal?Lots of visual aids or only a few?

她的演讲是非正式的,很口语化。Her speech is informal and filled with colloquialism.

购物那些错过,仍然是琅勃拉邦非正式的事。Shopping is still an informal affair in Luang Prabang.

这种信息等价给我们提供了很多好处。This informal equivalence gives us a variety of benefits.

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五分之一的总经济产出据称是非正式的。One-fifth of total economic output is said to be informal.

首先,非正式学习策略省钱。And best of all, an informal learning strategy saves money.

他那不拘小节的表演会驱赶所有的不快。His informal minor performances, drove all the unhappiness.