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我习惯于简单的饮食。I am accustomed to a spare diet.

她不习惯于乞求于人。She was not accustomed to entreat.

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对于这种大跨步,我已经习惯了。And to this stride I had got accustomed.

我和你不一样,我不习惯说谎。Unlike you, I am not accustomed to lying.

中餐你吃得惯吗?Are you accustomed to eating Chinese food?

对于伪善行为我们已经见怪不怪了。We had become accustomed to the hypocrisy.

你对热狗已经太习以为常了!Youhave become too accustomed to hot dogs!

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我不惯于天黑以后外出。I’m not accustomed to going out after dark.

心累了心疼了我不让我的眼睛习惯了泪水…I do not let my eyes accustomed to the tears.

仓房刷成红色是一种习俗。Painting barns red is an accustomed practice.

品质好,而且我们也用惯了。The quality is good, and we're accustomed to it.

他们习惯于使用有机肥。They're accustomed to using organic fertilizers.

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从小型的鼩到马岛猬都习惯于黑暗。From tiny shrews, tenrecs accustomed to the dark.

我的眼睛慢慢变得习于那黯淡的灯光。My eyes slowly grew accustomed to the dim lighting.

新面孔比老面孔更有权威。New faces have more authority than accustomed ones.

我们习惯以出口价来做计算。We're accustomed to basing fees on the export price.

坦桑尼亚政府还不习惯成为暴发户。Tanzania’s government is not accustomed to upstart s.

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而现在,我们对这种同盟已经司空见惯。Nowadays we are accustomed to the U.S.-Japan alliance.

船员也适应了阿林吉号的速度。The crew has also become accustomed to Alinghi’s speed.

顾客们习惯了令人讨厌的风俗.The customers are accustomed to the disgusting custom.