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考试?明天?噢噢!Exam Tomorrow Oh-oh!

期末考试统一安排。One exam is scheduled.

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本课没有期末考试。There's no final exam.

亚历克斯考得不好。Alex did badly on exam.

这场是开卷考。It's an open-book exam.

我物理考试又挂了。I failed in physic exam.

那是开卷考试吗?Is it an open book exam?

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我什么时间参加考试?When can I take an exam?

你考试通过了吗?Have you passed the exam?

因为我考试及格了。Because I passed the exam.

她数学考试不及格。She failes the maths exam.

他英语考试不及格。He failed his English exam.

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他的测验成绩不错。His exam results were good.

社区启蒙通过任何书面考试。Pass any CCIE written exam.

你通过数学考试了吗?Can you pass the math exam ?

我上次考试考砸了。I blew it on that last exam.

她确实考砸了。She really fluffed her exam.

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目前该测试由ETS管理。ETS now administers the exam.

大卫的数学课考试没有通过。David failed in the math exam.

期终考就在下星期二。My final exam is next Tuesday.