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而口感宜人的无酒精鸡尾酒也荟萃于此。There is also a selection of delectable non-alcoholic cocktails.

我们可以吃到许多令人爽口的海鲜做成的菜,比如说龙虾和扇贝。We can get a lot of delectable seafood dishes, such as lob-ster and scallop.

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法航的旅客享用机上美食,并和空姐微笑交谈。Air France passengers are treated to a delectable spread and smiling service.

搭配这款美食,需要浇了芥末撒了小香葱的红薯沙拉。To top off this delectable dish, serve a Two-Potato Salad With Mustard-Chive Dressing.

才谷屋为您提供著名的土佐料理以及同样美味的日本酒、清酒。We supply delectable Japanese wine and fine rice wine and Japanese authentic food as well.

做一些比如去你最喜欢的餐馆或是去吃美味的西点等自己喜欢的事请。Do something you enjoy like going to your favorite restaurant or eating a delectable dessert.

而餐桌上还摆满着许多其他令人垂延欲滴美国菜肴和甜品。But also crowding the dinner table are numerous other delectable American dishes and desserts.

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在谈话之后,我们都尽情享用了残雪丈夫烹制的美味午餐。Following our conversation, we all feasted on a delectable lunch prepared by Can Xue's husband.

以昆虫为食的蝙蝠吃各种不同的可口食物,包括甲虫、蛾子、蚂蚁和爬虫等。Insect-eating bats dine on a delectable range of food from beetles and moths to ants, and bugs.

显示屏可以显示最多达40个相邻信道的运行情况,其信道间隔跨度合理,使用起来非常方便。The visual display lets you see activity of upto 40 adjacent channels with user delectable span.

让自己在皮埃尔带走樵夫的最新惊悚片出现了美味的女孩。Let yourself get carried away by the delectable girls appearing in Pierre Woodman's latest thriller.

一推推的新鲜无酵饼,看了令人高兴,不过为这些阿富汗小孩感到心痛。The stack of fresh oven-baked flatbreads is a delectable but aching sight for these Afghan children.

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有一个袖珍Wocket我又是一个可喜的苏斯博士的书总理赶上在茫茫人海中的。There's a Wocket in my Pocket is yet another prime catch in the vast sea of delectable Dr. Seuss books.

我,妈咪还有我两个高中时代的好友一起享受了一顿美味的晚餐。Mom, my two friends from highschool and I devoured a delectable meal all prepared by yours truly tonite.

传统艺术中的精美瓷器复制品也在本次展览中展出。Delectable replicas of such traditional Chinese art pieces as porcelain vases are also on displacdfds. com.

选择美味的鸭汤吧!它配有芥菜叶和芹菜,满溢着浓郁的鸭子醇香。Opt for the delectable soup, which is full of duck flavour with preserved mustard greens and bits of Chinese celery.

一支磨砂沐浴乳、一支豪华的身体润肤乳液和一支美味的滚珠香水,的治疗你的感官。A delectable sugar scrub, luxurious body lotion and handy fragrance rollerball are a delicious treat for your senses.

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财富选择神剑是著名的为他们的美味的餐饮选择,精心策划的对世俗的旅行者。Fortune Select Excalibur is renowned for their delectable dining options, carefully curated for the worldly traveler.

米切朗基罗餐厅欢迎客人和当地人吃传统的意大利美食,葡萄酒,和美味的甜点。Michelangelo Restaurant welcomes guests and locals to dine on traditional Italian cuisine, wines, and delectable desserts.

经过一个漫长而令人兴奋的一天赤道的阳光下,撤退回酒店休息晚上和美味的一餐。After a long and exciting day under the Equatorial sun, retreat back to the hotel for a relaxing evening and delectable meal.