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他利用自己的职位来否认指控。He used his position to repudiate the charge.

但革命者并未对传统文化全盘否定。But they did not completely repudiate the traditional culture.

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如果教会现在对其纲领进行否认,这就成了对教皇权威的蔑视。Were the Church now to repudiate that doctrine, it would undermine papal authority.

后来,亨利向教皇亚历山大请求在法律上否定这两个条款。Henry then appealed to Pope Alexander IV for dispensation to repudiate both provisions.

我们否定矫揉虚假的除了免除个人责任一无是处的团结。We repudiate the artificial unity that does nothing more than deprive persons of individual responsibility.

胡风在这封信里提出了三个原则性的问题,我们认为有加以详细驳斥的必要。In his letter hu feng raised three questions of principle which we have deemed it necessary to repudiate at some length.

由于农民所处的特殊环境,传统的观点认为农民是缺乏理性的,这种观点在国际上受到舒尔茨、塔克斯等理性论者的批判。Because of special environment, traditional ideas think that peasant is short of rationality, this idea is repudiate by W. O.

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亚德六,愤怒茨温利的行为,然后不准他讲道,并要求安理会苏黎世拒绝他是一个邪教。Pope Adrian VI, angered by Zwingli's behavior, then forbade him the pulpit and asked the Zürich council to repudiate him as a heretic.

当然我们可以把那笔债务一笔勾销,然后让美联储关门大吉,不过华盛顿极少有人对此感兴趣。Of course we could repudiate that debt and shut down the Federal Reserve, but very few in Washington D.C. have any interest in doing that.

我们拒绝接受昨天布什总统发表的残暴无耻的演讲,布什的讲话为以色列新的冲突升级大开绿灯。We repudiate the outrageous speech made by President Bush yesterday, which gave a green light to a new Israeli escalation of the conflict.

我们若弃绝宗教的传统,只在意活的基督,我们就会有正确的灵,就是能力、爱、并清明自守的灵。然后我们在聚会中,就会涌出那灵来。If we repudiate the religious traditions and care only for the living Christ, we shall have a proper spirit, a spirit of power, love, and a sober mind.

开展现代远程教育不能全盘否定传统教育,而应积极吸纳其优势,达成二者优势互补。The modern distance education can't totally repudiate traditional education, but should absorb its advantage actively, and have complementary advantages.

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那些人,像Alving夫人,为了精神的解放付出了血和泪,抨击了婚姻作为一种强加,一种肤浅、空虚的嘲讽。Those who, like Mrs. Alving, have paid with blood and tears for their spiritual awakening, repudiate marriage as an imposition, a shallow, empty mockery.

诚然,中国现在可以为争取特别提款权的主导作用而奋斗,然后在将来人民币逐渐成为储备货币的时候推翻这一切。Of course, China could strive right now for a major role for the SDR, and repudiate that in the future when the yuan moves towards becoming a reserve currency.

那个女人在死亡的当口,包含着热泪,拒绝放弃她视之为艺术的东西,极力去证明一种她在舞台聚光灯后从未达到的伟大。And that woman in the death throes refusing in tears to repudiate what she called her art gave evidence of a greatness that she never achieved behind the footlights.

贫民区文学的兴起并不否定过去的黑人文学,而是建议用其他办法来造就黑人文学并达到其他目的。The rise of urban lit does not repudiate the black literary past, but it does suggest other ways and means of producing black literature and other ends for it as well.

民主党人更喜欢公共支出,因为他们想要扩大政府的角色并且无视实际拒绝接受共和党人的减税做法。Democrats preferred public spending because they wanted to widen government’s role and repudiate the Republicans’ instinct to cut taxes regardless of the circumstances.

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我们相信,从这两方面努力的精神就不会拒绝和放弃以往所有的成就,而是深入挖掘,不断质疑和不断更新。We believe that the spirit of these two works is not to repudiate and abandon all that has come before but rather to dig in deeply, questioningly, and with renewed vigor.

即使在欧冠,我们的对手也一直尽力去踢我们,因为他们知道我们处理球的速度非常快。Facing such alien opponents is a chance to affirm Arsenal's values, not repudiate them. "We don't want to change our performances – we will always try to play our way, " Eboue said.

他们所谓的‘开放,诚实’可能就是用来结束四年内战的全国性的牛皮,这个牛皮把奴隶制当在内战唯一原因,成为我们需要如何驳斥‘种族主义’的方式。Their 'open, honest' discussion will probably end up being a four-year-long national harangue about slavery being the sole cause and how we need to repudiate our 'racist' attitudes.