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有点小自大。a little cocky.

神气活现的微笑是很迷人的。A cocky smile is attractive.

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他们如此高傲自大,但同时也妙趣横生。They are so cocky but also funny.

我最讨厌像你这种臭屁的人了。I hate such a cocky person like you!

我刚去见我的新上司。他是个很骄傲的人。I just met my new boss. He's so cocky.

右派翘尾巴也在这里。That's why the Rightists are so cocky.

我们永远不能骄傲,不能翘尾巴。We should never become arrogant and cocky.

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别一有成绩就翘尾巴。Don't get cocky when you've achieved something.

在面试中,要自信而不要自大。During the interview, be confident but not cocky.

时间流逝,辛巴长成了一只趾高气昂的小狮子。Time passes, and Simba grows into a cocky young cub.

一个真正的男子汉会明了自信和自负的界线。A real man knows the thin line between confident and cocky.

神气活现的狗犹如满街的霓虹灯。The cocky lordly dogs like the neon lamps over the streets.

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汤姆•克鲁斯那迷死女人的咧嘴笑和吊郎当的言行举止是有名的。Tom Cruise is famous for his lady-killer grin and cocky demeanor.

向你这样华而不实的蠢货,怎么让女人老是围着你转呢?How does a pompous, cocky jackass like you always have women all over him?

在朋友的心目中,你早已沦为不值得计较的妄人。In friends’ heart, I’ve been marginalized as a cocky man unworthy of care.

自信不等于狂妄自大,善待身边的人,友好可以增添你的魅力值。Just because you are confident in yourself doesn't mean you must be cocky.

如果我在22岁的时候就能知道这些了,我可能会变得有些骄傲自大。If I had known it all at age 22, I probably would have been a little cocky.

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他们被社会所接受,诚实地说明自己的身份--有时甚至对此引以为荣。They are accepted and can be honest about who they are-sometimes even a bit cocky.

此外,如果一个男人让女人感到“太狂妄”或者“太贫困”,会被迅速排除在外。In addition, women will quickly dismiss a man who they feel is "too cocky" or "too needy".

在朋友的心目中,你早已沦为不值得计较的妄人。In friends' heart, I've been marginalized as a cocky man unworthy of care. "Unaccountable"!