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参与式方法也更具挑战性。Participatory approaches are also more challenging.

开源开发是一个参与式的活动。Open source development is a participatory activity.

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足球的整个参与式文化确实很健康。The whole participatory culture of soccer is really healthy.

它做的不过是将现代战争搬进互动电影。What it does do is make modern war into participatory cinema.

的积极性,参与性和结果导向的工作态度。A proactive, participatory and result oriented approach to their work.

之后,上海一些地区也进行了参与式预算的尝试。Later, some areas of Shanghai tried to exercice participatory budgets.

据我所知,这是第一次在剧场,观众参与游戏。As far as I know, this is the first in-theater, audience participatory video game.

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有些领导者奉行开放的心态和参与式管理,但他们却走向另一个极端。Some leaders embrace the spirit of openness and participatory management to a fault.

需要一个一个由下而上的农业技术创新分享模式。"A bottom-up, participatory model of agricultural technology innovation is needed, " he said.

第五部分专门论述“社会参与型”慈善捐赠机制的构建。Part five is devoted to build a mechanism of charitable donation called "participatory society".

企业中引入参与型民主管理已逐步成为企业发展的客观需要。Introducing participatory democracy management has become the necessity of enterprise development.

在许多国家里,它也远比占主体的传统政治文化更具有参与性。In many nations, it also is far more participatory than the prevailing traditional political culture.

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本文将对这种互联网上虚拟的“广场”参与民主展开论述。This kind of virtual plaza participatory democracy on the internet will be discussed in this article.

因此,从社会学角度而言,参与式理念,促进社区的民主进程。Hence, from the perspective of social science, the participatory concept advances the process of democracy.

Twitter和Facebook参与分享的特性也使它们成为优秀的创造力超级充电器。The participatory nature of Twitterand Facebook also makes them excellent tools for supercharging creativity.

作为一种参与式的资源管理模式,CBNRM能有效地规避市场失灵、政府失效等。As a participatory resource management mode, CBNRM can effectively avoid Market failure and Government failure.

如果广播媒体带给我们的是政治声音的传播,那么可参与性媒体带给我们的是参与到政治中的互动里去。If broadcast media brought us broadcast politics, then participatory media will bring us participatory politics.

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第三章详细的阐述了高中英语词汇课实施主体参与型教学的必要性与可行性。Chapter III describes in detail the necessity and feasibility of the implementation of the participatory teaching.

在很多非洲地区,地方政府整体上可能很弱,几乎没有任何参与机制和资源。In many parts of Africa, local government can be weak overall, with few participatory structures and few resources.

本文的研究旨在检验政府采取参与式灌溉管理和用水者协会改革政策的效果。The purpose of this research is to examine the economic benefits from WUAs and participatory irrigation management.