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其实,黄山温泉不止一处。In fact, more than a hotspring.

欢迎您光临温泉大宾馆。Welcome to Hotspring Grand Hotel.

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欢迎您光临温泉大酒店。Welcome to Hotspring Grand Hotel.

这地方作为温泉胜地而著名。It is famous as a hotspring resort.

接待您移玉温泉大酒店。Welcome to Hotspring Gr well Hotel.

这温泉蛋简直入口即化。The hotspring egg melts in the mouth.

欢迎您移玉温泉大宾馆。Welcome to Hotspring Grof well of Hotel.

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新安温泉,动人心弦。Xin'an Hotspring touches our heartstring!

迎接您降临温泉大酒店。我不知道原创。Welcome to Hotspring Grfor well for Hotel.

接待您莅临温泉大旅店。Welcome to Hotspring Gras the well as the Hotel.

基于您本次入住的经验,您今后是否会入住海宇温泉大酒店?Stay at Haiyu Hotspring Hotel in the future based upon your experience during this stay?

他为中国的温泉旅游探索了一条崭新的经营之路。It is Mr Han Ming who creates a brand-new operational road for China's hotspring tourism.

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我们的小小温泉旅馆就在藏王山脚下的小村落。Our little hotspring hotel is located in a small quiet village at the bottom of the mountains.

至于盘龙湾温泉的温馨、铁山兰花的浓馥,也是普宁旅游的亮点。Puning also features the hotspring of Panlong Bay and the fragrant orchid flourishing on Tie Hill.

温泉的水质不同,则对不同的病症具有不同的疗效。Because of various chemical nature of water, hotspring has different curative effect for different disease.

最后,论文提出了东丽湖温泉度假旅游区发展对策。This thesis puts forward countermeasures on how to advance the Dongli hotspring travel industry site in the end.

这豪华舒适的温泉渡假村提供各类设施,予您一个轻松优悠的假期。This luxurious hotspring resort offers you every facility and comfort imaginable for a relaxing and enjoyable holiday.

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沈阳世界温泉部落项目由沈阳蓝德温泉度假村有限公司开发的高品质项目。Shenyang world hot spring by shenyang blue tribal projects DE hotspring resort Co. , LTD of high quality project development.

他将房地产与酒店、温泉完美的融合,打造了一个集旅游、会议、休闲、渡假为一体的中国温泉第一谷。He founded the first hotspring kingdom in hinterland of Sihui Pearl River Delta, which is the integrity of real estate, hotel and spa.

为了给客户提供更为周到的服务,我们还聘请了多名有丰富温泉管理经验专家作为我们的常年顾问。To ensure more considerate service to customers, we have engaged several experts on hotspring management as our perennial consultants.