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鹰展开了它的翅膀。The eagle outspread its wings.

以马内利阿,他展开翅膀,遍满你的地。Its outspread wings will cover the breadth of your land, O Immanuel !

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他颓然坐下,肩膀耷拉着,双臂垂在叉开的。He sat down heavily, his shoulders drooping, his arms falling between his outspread legs.

粘膜下层纤维化加重,可见淋巴管扩张。Fiber of mucous membrane lower level changes accentuation , visible lymphatic is outspread.

于是他坐在那里,和蔼、深沉,一双劳动者的大手搭在伸开的大腿上。And he sat there, gentle and reflective, his great workman hands resting on outspread thighs.

神伸出双手等待我们和赦免我们,祂与悔改的罪人和好。God awaits us with outspread arms, ready to forgive. He offers reconciliation to repentant sinners.

天空中老鹰伸开双翼一动不动地悬停,眼睛盯注着下面的草丛。In the sky hawks hung motionless with outspread wings, their eyes fixed immovably on the grass below.

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假如嫌弃座位太窄,也没关系,坐垫可以扩张到舒适为止。If cold-shoulder a seat too narrow, irrespective also, cushion is OK and outspread arrive comfortable till.

上纸拖板,前缘两侧要衔接好,要贴合指甲延伸5。Paper procrastinates on board, leading edge two side should have joined, want joint fingernail outspread 5.

造型为伸展双翅、双手捧杯的希腊神话中的胜利女神。Its sculpt was a Goddess from the Greek mythology. She outspread her wings, and held the trophy in both hands.

由于生产效益十分显著,种植区域由上述地区向内陆省份延伸。Because manufacturing benefit is very distinct, grow area by afore-mentioned area upcountry province outspread.

她看到一个穿浅色连衣裙的女人,四肢舒展地躺着,她的阳伞合在一边,像一把巨大的珍珠编织成的鱼钩。She saw the pale dress of the woman outspread and her foldedparasol, lying on the grass like a huge pearl crochet hook.

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要建立一个广泛延伸的铁路系统,地区性的铁路线就必须采用相互兼容的轨距标准。Want to build an extensive and outspread railway system, regional iron line must use mutual and compatible gauge level.

黑色的天宇笼罩着这些死气沉沉的街巷,有如一幅巨大的裹尸布覆盖在这巨大的坟墓上。A black sky rested on these dead streets, as though an immense winding-sheet were being outspread over this immense tomb.

系统地阐述了计算机辅助焊接件展开图形自动生成软件系统的设计方法与原理。The paper discusses the design method and principle for "Automatic Creation Software System of Outspread Drawing for Welding".

英特尔就是如许一个巨子,它的平台化策略不但在芯片组,也延长到了甚至软件解决方案等。Intel is a such tycoons , its platform changes the strategy not only in chip set, outspread also arrived even software solution.

横线与直线的交织,九宫格的展示柜表现,让空闲在扩张之余更见美感。Horizontal line and linear intertexture , of 9 palace case show ark performance, let be in idly outspread more see aesthetic feeling.

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当归其护肤美容作用来自当归能扩张皮肤毛细血管,加快血液循环。Its protect angelica skinHairdressingAction comes from angelica blood capillary of can outspread skin, accelerate haemal circulation.

她转着圈,昂着头,手臂伸展,直到晕乎乎地大笑着跌倒在草地上。She spun around in circles, her chin tilted upward, her arms outspread in an arc, until she collapsed dizzy with laughter on the lawn.

他两拳紧握,两臂伸成直角,好象一个被钉在十字架上刚取下来的人,脸朝地被扔在那里。With clenched fists, with arms outspread at right angles, like a man crucified who has been un-nailed, and flung face down on the earth.