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她的眼睛光彩照人。Her eyes were splendid.

你做了一份极好的事。Pass 1. You did a splendid job.

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梦幻仙翁是多姿的新娘!Seno is a splendid dream bride!

这世界是如此的灿烂辉煌。The world is fair and splendid.

壮丽的深蓝色云层。The splendid hue of dark-blue clouds.

秋季,松叶呈现出壮丽的红色。In autumn, maples turn a splendid red.

孔雀展开了它那灿烂夺目的尾巴。The peacock spreads his splendid tail.

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那个富翁住在豪华的宅子里。The rich man lived in a splendid house.

注意美好的蓝色垃圾桶。Pay attention to a splendid blue trashcan.

从表面看,一切看起来很灿烂。From the outside, everything looks splendid.

我在中国过的是辉煌灿烂的生活。I am living a splendid life in this country.

阿凡达使这一年的票房辉煌灿烂。It capped a splendid year at the box office.

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那个沙丘是大自然的鬼斧神工。That sand dune is a splendid work of nature.

王室伉俪身穿艳服出现。The royal couple appeared in splendid array.

我们永远记得那壮丽的奇观。We remenber that splendid spectacle forever.

去年十月,我们度过了一个十分美妙的小阳春。We had a splendid Indian summer last October.

靖远,历史悠久,文化灿烂。Jingyuan, a long history and splendid culture.

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我们和朋友们在一家豪华饭馆用餐。We dined with friends at a splendid restaurant.

裘的志向是想轰轰烈烈地大干一番。Jo's ambition was to do something very splendid.

心若在,梦犹在,为了明天,您我一起携手。Let us be hand in hand for the splendid tomorrow.