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我可以证明他清白。I can certify to his innocency.

所以时间是纯真的敌人。So time is the enemy of innocency.

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纯真只能伴随昨天的死去而来。Innocency can be only with the death of yesterday.

达尼尔因心中纯洁,才蒙拯救,免于狮子的口。Daniel in his innocency was delivered out of the mouth of the lions.

我实在徒然洁净了我的心,徒然洗手表明无辜。Verily I have cleansed my heart in vain, and washed my hands in innocency.

冥想是现在的纯真,因而总是独立存在的。Meditation is the innocency of the present, and therefore it is always alone.

婚姻是上帝在人无罪,圣洁公义的时候所设立的。Marriage was instituted by God himself in the time of man's innocency and uprightness.

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只有纯真才能在这个世界及其所有的混乱中存活下来,而不成为其中的一部分。It is innocency that can live in the world, with all its turmoil, and yet not be of it.

就是这种狂喜给双眼,给大脑,给内心带来天真的品质。It is this ecstasy which gives to the eye, to the brain and to the heart, the quality of innocency.

正是这种独自能遭遇一种从未被人类的痛苦所沾染的纯真。It is this aloneness that comes upon an innocency that has never been touched by the mischief of man.

你还很年轻。永远不要丢失你的纯真以及纯真带来的敏感。那是人类能够拥有和必须拥有的唯一珍宝。You are quite young. Don't ever lose your innocency and the vulnerability that it brings. That is the only treasure that man can have, and must have.