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我听说,这几乎是一场有身体接触的较力了。I'm told it is almost a physical tussle.

露西推倒了金姆,警员拉开打架的各方。Lucy pushes Kim, and the officer breaks up the tussle.

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斗争的本质就是表明自己的厌恶之情。The intrinsic value of tussle is to evince one's aversion.

虞啸天在和日本浪人打斗的过程中,衣服被日本浪人手中的刀割破。Yu Xiaotian's clothes is lacerated by Ronins's knife when he tussle with them.

规范的语言和搀杂的语言仍在新加坡的舞台上角力,结局如何?What is the result of the tussle between standardised and mixed languages in Singapore?

规范的语言和搀杂的语言仍在新加坡的舞台上角力,结局如何?。What is the result of the tussle between standardized and mixed languages in Singapore?

清晨,雾从海岸边涌来,两只棕熊像顽童般嬉闹。In early morning mist that rolls in from the coast, two brown bears tussle like teenagers.

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昨天,张红的辩护律师毕文胜说,“可以想见,当时发生了激烈争斗。"Yesterday, the defense lawyers Hong bt Bivens said, " one can imagine that in a fierce tussle.

曾三次获得温网冠军的美国名家麦肯罗赞叹,这是他见过的最精彩的一场网球赛。John McEnroe, a three-time Wimbledon champ, proclaimed it the best tennis tussle he had ever seen.

使他成功的政权生存于理想主义者与想要建立军事政体的人之间的不稳定竞争之下。The regime that succeeded him was an uneasy tussle between idealists and a would-be military junta.

与其在睡前吃一碗冰淇淋不如和你的配偶来一场激烈地运动.Make whoopee Instead of a bowl of ice cream as a bedtime snack, have a robust tussle with your spouse.

研究人员对于每个水分子与其近邻分子间有多少个化学键这个问题,仍继续争执不下。Researchers continue to tussle over how many bonds each H2O molecule makes with its nearest neighbors.

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而亨利无妻,无子,无工作------他不必为利率不同的抵押这类事情伤脑筋。And Henry- wifeless, childless, jobless-never had to tussle with such details as variable-rate mortgages.

美国财政部小心谨慎,各位参议员无忧无虑,双方争执不下,更反映出中国的微妙分歧。The tussle in America between a cautious Treasury and slap-happy senators is mirrored by subtle divisions in China.

熟悉丁磊的消息人士透露,丁磊正使出浑身解数,希望这场与政府有关的审批较量尽快结束。A source close to Ding said the taciturn executive is in a real bind over the tussle and hopes the fighting ends soon.

清晨,雾从海岸边涌来,两只棕熊像十来岁的孩子般嬉闹。Brown Bears in Mist, Russia In early morning mist that rolls in from the coast, two brown bears tussle like teenagers.

尽管巴恩斯利及布里斯托城等低级别球队仍在参加下一轮足总杯比赛,但是鲁尼更渴望在下轮遇上格兰特的切尔西。Minnows Barnsley and Bristol City remain in the competition, but Rooney would prefer a tussle with Avram Grant's Chelsea.

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当两只四个月大的野狗幼崽因一条从猎食中带来的纪念品羚羊皮而打斗的时候,一场拔河比赛开始发生了。Tug-of-war erupts as two four-month-old pups tussle over a strip of impala skin brought to them as a souvenir from a hunt.

他这支在我们胜利的时刻中作成的歌曲,对我这个和他并肩作战的人,未免有点不太公平。Now this song which he made in the hour of our victory, is something less than just to me, who stood beside him in the tussle.

举个例子,环保部正陷在一个关于明年提高汽车排放量标准的官场争夺中。The environment ministry, for example, is mired in a bureaucratic tussle over raising vehicle emissions standards by next year.