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如果练到这地步,就是高手了」。One becomes a master with this prowess.

人们已由嫉妒转变到钦佩他们的杰出才干。Jealousy gave way to admiration of thir prowess.

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科比上赛季的威力与诺维斯基相比怎么样?How does Bryant's postseason prowess compare to Nowitzki's?

对于那些早期急先锋而言,一次黑客行为是对编程能力的肯定。For these early pioneers, a hack was a feat of programming prowess.

因为她听过很多洋屌很猛的事绩,所以她会想试试看。She has heard much about your prowess in bed, and she wants to try.

赫利在和他相识的人中,素有勇敢豪侠的名声。Hurry had a respectable reputation for prowess among his associates.

身处现今的世界,经济力比军事力更加重要。In today’s world, economic prowess matters more than military might.

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通过进入婴儿名字营来秀出你宝宝神通广大的名字,从而完成该测试。Put your baby name prowess to the test by entering the Baby Name Pool.

英勇和禀赋是潜行者下给衣衫褴褛的富孀的赌注。The prowess and endowment are the prowler's wager to the dowdy dowager.

他因为战术勇敢威猛而被选中,而杰克逊也没有让人失望。Chosen for his tactical prowess and bravery, Jackson did not disappoint.

日本经济的持续低迷使人甚至提不起愤怒的兴致,人们已失去了对日本经济实力的信心。Instead of getting angry, people lost faith in Japan’s economic prowess.

拳击台上,马科斯彻底击败了所有挑战者,从而证明了他高超的本领。Marcus had proved his prowess in the ring by pulverizing all challengers.

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死亡骑士把武力和黑暗的亡灵法术结合在一起。The death knight combines martial prowess with dark, necromantic energies.

这是英国西南部各郡在技术实力与工程技能方面的一次胜利凯旋。It is a triumph for West Country technical prowess and engineering know-how.

一旦他们做了,他们战场上的威力轻松的超过叛军。Once they did, however, their battlefield prowess easily outmatched the rebels.

他家里的架子上摆满了见证他勇武的奖杯。The shelves in his house were filled with trophies that attested to his prowess.

它作为作曲家和乐器演奏者的声望在近年中持续巩固着。His prowess as a composer and instrumentalist has steadily improved over the years.

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庞茨的骗局吸引了成百上千的投资者,这些人被他所谓的才华而蛊惑。Ponzi’s business drew in thousands of investors, bewitched by his supposed prowess.

那些白痴般的印第安人唱着恶心的胜利歌曲来描述他们在战场上的威风。The idiotic Indian sang a shit-song of victory, describing their prowess in battle.

从长春花的柔弱的外表很难看出其强大的药学用途。Catharanthus roseus's delicate appearance belies its powerful pharmaceutical prowess.