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战争胜负难以预卜。The outcome of the war is hard to foretell.

而在2008年里我们又能看到几个“蓝天”你能预测吗?Could you foretell how many there will be in 2008?

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谁能料到保罗会变成叛徒?Who could ever foretell that Paul would turn traitor?

人们相信算命人可以预测你的命运。It is believed that fortune-tellers can foretell your fate.

她自称有特异功能,能预知未来。She claims to be psychic and to be able to foretell the future.

很多人都曾做过似乎能预示未来的梦。Lots of people have had dreams that seem to foretell the future.

他还称,标普的调整甚至可能预示,银行业形势即将好转.S&P's changes may even foretell a coming upturn for banks, he said.

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古老的预言提及他的出现,以及他将铸下的奇迹般的丰功伟业。Ancient prophecies foretell his coming, and he performs miraculous feats.

如果真是这样的话,过去3月的反弹理应可预言未来的繁荣。If so, the rally in the past three months should foretell an economic boom ahead.

据说孔雀能够预知雨水,将要下雨的时候就会跳舞。Peacock also is said to be able to foretell rain, and dances when rain is coming.

我又不能料事如神,总不免要吃点小亏。Since I cannot foretell things like a prophet, I cannot help taking a small loss.

如果铅团的形状像船,这意味着新的一年将要去旅行,如果是一个球,就预示着好运。If the blob represents a ship it is said to foretell travel, if it's a ball, good luck.

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我确信电子阅读器预示着图书出版业将出现巨大的变化。I do believe that e-readers foretell an enormous change in the book publishing industry.

只有将这两种分析结合起来并计算准确,才有可能准确地预测出潜在的铸造缺陷。Only when both analyses are accurate is it possible to correctly foretell the possible defect area.

很多日本人相信根据血型能预测爱情能否成功、工作是否合适。Many Japanese believe their blood type can foretell success in romance and the suitability for jobs.

伟大的占卜者范·拉姆斯菲尔德拥有众多可以预测未来事件的方法。The great soothsayer von Rumsfeld has a wide range of methods that he uses to foretell future events.

金牛座2016年的运势称,若你是挑战者,则这一年会乐成。Thee Taurus 2016 astrology predictions foretell that you will succeed this year if you are a challenger.

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他们还了解到,阿丘阿尔人的另一个主要看法就是,梦境有时候可以预示未来。Another of the Achuars' major convictions, they learned, is that dreams can sometimes foretell the future.

巫曾经垄断一切的知识,但他很重要的两种功能乃是对命运的揣测以及对形体的经营。The Shaman once monopolized knowledge. But his main functions were to foretell the fate and to manage the body.

很多东西阻碍着你去得到你想要的,其中之一就是对过去的失败念念不忘,仿佛过去的失败预言了未来。One of the greatest obstacles to getting what you want is to remember past failures as if they foretell the future.