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回带插图。Inset back belt.

在上背部镶条。Smocked inset at upper back.

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回带可调的选项卡中的插图。Inset back belt with adjustable side tabs.

将这块假的镶金丝帛放进去?Inset this leave gold silk does the silks put into?

我们希望您删除第一个结束的插页。We want you to delete the inset on the first ending.

“该故事同样也出现插页的头条,”帕瑞斯说。"It also appeared on the front in an inset", Price said.

可调脚环上扣封和插图弹性。Adjustable heel strap with buckle closure and inset elastic.

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矩形包边的角上应该有一点圆形。The corners of the rectangular inset should be slightly rounded.

提出一种插入介质波导的新型馈电布局。Anovel feeding structure for inset dielectric guide is presented.

壁板中镶嵌的是260块稀有的古印度波斯特色的微雕。Inset in the paneling are 260 rare miniatures of Indo-Persian heritage.

但在左边的插图上明显有更难以捕捉的现象。But the picture's inset at the left highlights a more elusive lunar sunrise phenomenon.

插图显示典型的巨细胞,圆形,有粉红色胞质包涵体。The inset demonstrates a typical giant cell with a round, pink intracytoplasmic inclusion.

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其中下位机主要是以嵌入式控制系统采集数据,以通信的方式传递到上位机。The one-chip computer use the inset control system to gather data and transmit it to the PC.

这根黑色的权杖以黝黑染就的木头所雕成,其上镶嵌著各色神祇之教徽。This black rod carved of darkly stained wood as inset with religious symbols of various deities.

通过将面壳借助于卡扣结构卡扣固定于手柄主体上,而可以方便地拆下来进行更换。The described shell can be inset by latch structure fixed in the manner on the trunk of the handle.

这只昆虫在喊救命,因为一只黑鸟在不远处正准备捕捉他。The inset was crying for help, as a black bird at a not too far distance was preparing to attack him.

小土房上小小的烟囱,冒出的烟也是纤细的,更像童话中的一幅插图。From the small chimneys on the top of small adobe, smoking was fine, like an inset in fairy tale novels.

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该布局针对插入介质波导的场漫衍,直接采用微带线进行馈电。According to the field distribution, microstrip line was connected to the inset dielectric guide directly.

同时,嵌锂态时在电解液中较不稳定,有生成表面膜的趋势。Meanwhile, a film inclined to form on the surface because inset lithium was not stable in the electrolyte.

任何一个既成的婚姻,都是牢牢地镶嵌在社会框架之中,难以动摇。The accomplished marriage is all prison ground in the prison to inset in the social frame, hard agitatedly.