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这两篇诗篇都可以用在会所中。These two historical psalms would have been for congregational use.

属于、关于公理会的,或有公理会特点的。Religion of or pertaining to or characteristic of a Congregational church.

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其中最频繁的是公理的形式非常熟悉在西方。One of the least frequent is the congregational form so familiar in the West.

英格兰主要的新教群体有卫理公会,公理会和浸信会。The main nonconformist groups in England are Methodist, Congregational and Baptist.

有个主日早晨,我们在教会唱著「他既看顾麻雀」这首诗歌。One Sunday morning at church, we sang "His Eye Is on the Sparrow" as a congregational hymn.

在分发圣餐过程中,会众成员通常可以唱会众的赞美诗,也可以进行单独祷告。Members generally sing congregational hymns and offer personal prayers during the distribution.

共和党在国会的选举中对于布什总统的余下的两年的任期受到打击。Republicans took a beating and congregational elections for Mr. Bushes last two years in office.

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诗篇第一一一篇是一首信徒赞美上帝圣工、信实、及怜悯的圣诗。Psalm 111 is a congregational hymn of praise for God's righteous works, faithfulness and compassion.

最少有五年全职在堂会牧养的经验。有在北美事奉经验者,优先考虑。At least five years full-time congregational and pastoral ministry experience, preferable in the US or Canada.

然而,带领公众礼拜和负责主麻的讲经是不能由妇女来执行。However, leading the congregational Prayers and delivering the Friday khutbahs cannot be carried out by women.

彼得•派克1804年出生于马萨诸塞州弗雷明汉的一个东正教堂家庭。Parker was born in Framingham, Massachusetts in 1804 to an orthodox Congregational family. His parents were farmers.

一些人也许理解了女性“伊玛目”可以带领公众礼拜或负责主麻讲经。Some people might understand that the female 'imams' could lead the congregational Prayers or deliver the Friday khutbahs.

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是集体礼拜的中心和星期五祈祷仪式的场所。"The masjid jami', or "congregational mosque, " is the centre of community worship and the site of Friday prayer services.

作为印度教庙宇,并不意味着会众崇拜,garba-griha与整个错综复杂的庙宇比较的时候,在尺寸上就变得小规模了。As the Hindu temple is not meant for congregational worship, the garba-griha is small in scale when compared to the whole temple complex.

这个11岁的孩子不仅热爱每天五次的聚众礼拜,还收听礼拜宣讲和简短的演讲。The 11-year-old is not only keen on performing the five congregational prayers but also tuning in to pos-prayer sermons and brief lectures.

在喀历年代,有智慧的人举行齐颂圣名来崇拜那位恒常在唱颂奎师那圣名的首神的化身。In the Age of Kali, intelligent persons perform congregational chanting to worship the incarnation of Godhead who constantly sings the name of Kåñëa.

他教堂的个人和团体的领导人如何能够使用熟悉新的命名仪式,评估,活出,庆祝,通过改变和成长。He teaches congregational leaders how individuals and groups can use familiar new rituals to name, evaluate, live out, celebrate, and grow through change.

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如果将这两样融入到我们会众的生活中,我们必会看到神祝福的手,并且我们将会看到越来越多的人加入到我们当中来。If we can join those two things in our congregational life, we will see God's hand of blessing and we will see ever-growing streams of people joining with us.

诗歌成了“堂会式”的寂寥表演,观众走光了,剩下亲朋碍于面子在那里鼓掌,这不就是如今诗坛的现状吗?Poetry became" congregational" lonely show, the audience left, the remaining relatives due to the face where the applause, this is now the current situation of poetry?

光秃秃的树枝在寒风中摇摆,树梢后面耸立起联合公园公理会教堂的尖顶,再远处,还有好几个教堂的塔楼耸立着。Over the bare limbs of the trees, which now swayed in the wintry wind, rose the steeple of the Union Park Congregational Church, and far off the towers of several others.