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许多哲学家和美学家都受到他的影响。Both a lot of philosopher and aesthetician accept his effect.

克罗齐是康德、黑格尔之后西方影响最大的美学家。Croce is the most influential aesthetician in the West after Kant and Hegel.

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19世纪英国唯美主义作家王尔德是个有现代意义的作家。Oscar Wilde, an aesthetician in 19th, was a writer with modern significance.

事实上,我还为了学这个去了美容学院。I actually ended up going to an aesthetician school to learn more about that.

克罗齐是继康德、黑格尔之后,一位有重大影响的美学家。B-Croce is an aesthetician with great influence on the aesthetics after Kant and Hegel.

作为一位多元思想交织时期的音乐美学家,他的音乐美学思想具有多解性与多源性。As a music aesthetician in a period of pluralism, his music aesthetics ideas are with multi-solution and multi-sources.

在西方现代美学史上,克罗齐以“直觉表现说”成为西方现代美学史一位举足轻重的人物。In the history of modern aesthetics, Croce's has been a very important aesthetician by using the theory of "intuition performance".

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宗白华是一位学贯中西的美学大家,但他首先是一位艺匠独运的现代诗人。Zong Baihua was a great aesthetician well versed in both Chinese and Western learning, but above all he was an original modern poet.

诺思洛普·弗莱是20世纪加拿大也是西方著名美学家、文学理论家和文化批评家。Northrop Frye is an outstanding aesthetician , a literary theorist and a cultural critic in the 20th century Canada and Western world.

朱光潜早期美学思想的形成与发展与克罗齐的美学思想有着密切的关联,他以“形象的直觉”为核心的美学经验论直接脱胎于克罗齐的相关美学观点。The establishment and development of Zhu Guangqian's early aesthetic thought is very closely related with the ideas of Benedetto Croce, the famous Italian aesthetician.

在20世纪中国美学家中,宗白华第一个研究了中西审美空间意识的差异。Among Chinese aesthetician in the 20th century, Zong Baihua is the first person who investigates the discrepancy between Chinese and Western aesthetic spacial consciousness.

德国伟大的诗人、美学家席勒根据他所处时代人的生存状态、人性的分裂,提出了美育问题。The great German poet and aesthetician , Friedrich von Schiller, propounded the question of aesthetic education on the basis of the state of existence and split personality of his day.

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青主是我国近、现代音乐史上一位卓有成就的作曲家、音乐美学家,是我国艺术歌曲专业化创作的先驱人物之一。Qing Zhu, a very successful composer and music aesthetician in Chinese Modern and Contemporary Art history, is one of the forerunners in the professionalization of China's art music composition.

地球外的美学家会认为这个停在小径上凝望远处的生物是一个美学家的典范,他的审美器官保持高度警觉。The extraterrestrial aesthetician would explain that the creature it was observing on the trail was a specimen of an aesthetic being whose experiencing apparatus for the aesthetic was on full alert.