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对流向大脑的动脉血的测量。A measure of arterial blood flow to the head.

简述动脉血压的正常值。What are normal values of arterial pressions?

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目的寻找一种更好更快的动脉采血方法。Objective To seek a better method for arterial blood sampling.

目的动脉圆锥的动脉解剖学观察。Objective Observation on arterial distribution of conus arteriosus.

试述动脉血压的形成及其影响动脉血压的主要因素?What are the main factors to generate and regulate arterial pressure?

吸痰可导致低氧血症和组织缺氧。Arterial hypoxemia and tissue hypoxia maybe induced by tracheal suction.

其中DSA是动脉狭窄诊断的金标准。The DSA is still the golden standard for diagnoses of arterial stenoses.

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其后方,舌动脉干发自左肺下叶动脉。Behind it, lingular arterial trunk arised from left inferior lobar artery.

实验用8条健康成年狗,制备肝内动脉树铸型。The ABS casting of dog's hepatic arterial tree was made on 8 mongrel dogs.

粘膜下层有粗大的静脉网和动脉丛。In submucous layer, arterial plexus and coarse venous network were observed.

一项研究表明,黄烷醇可以扭转由吸烟造成的动脉损伤。One study showed that flavanols can reverse arterial damage caused by smoking.

而平均动脉压的适当增加可以减少DIND发生的风险。The elevation of mean arterial pressure can reduce the occurrence risk of DIND.

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结论TCCS和CEUS诊断颅内动脉狭窄有较好的准确性,是其检查的有效方法。Conclusion TCCS and ECE are valuable in diagnosis of cerebral arterial stenosis.

他们利用可吸收明胶海绵和不锈钢钢圈来阻塞动脉。The authors used gelfoam and stainless steel coils to achiee arterial occlusion.

介绍了动脉血氧和肌氧饱和度的概念。The concept of arterial blood oxygen and muscle oxygen saturation is introduced.

提出了在有狭窄的动脉中血液流动的一个数学模型。A mathematical model for pulsatile flow through a arterial stenosis is presented.

主干路功能保障是强调在交通负荷高峰时段,其“通行”功能仍能得以保证。It is important to guarantee the arterial road traffic function in the rush hour.

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人体正常动脉血压的维持依赖于心功能正常。Arterial blood pressure is dependent on ordinary cardiac function in human beings.

如果你够不到脚趾,动脉硬化的风险就有可能增加。If you can't reach your toes, you may be at increased risk for arterial stiffness.

周围末梢动脉血管疾病——手臂和腿供血血管的疾病peripheral arterial disease – disease of blood vessels supplying the arms and legs