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虚拟网络观察仪?。VNN? Virtual Network Visualizer?

写一个观察器主要需要如下三大块There are three main parts in writing a visualizer

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这个可视化工具会创建在直角坐标系中显示数据的图,从而帮助我们找到异常的情况。This visualizer creates a graph of data on an x-y axis to help spot outliers.

我们呼吁一个可视化,显示了国家停靠在一个最大化的最大化。We call a visualizer that shows a dockable in the state MAXIMIZED a maximizer.

我们调用一个可视化,显示了国家停靠在最小化的一个极小。We call a visualizer that shows a dockable in the state MINIMIZED a minimizer.

您可以使用可视化工具用不同的方法来分析细分模式。You can use the visualizer to analyze the segmentation model in different ways.

对视觉化检视进行侦错的简单方法,是从测试驱动程式中执行该视觉化检视。An easier way to debug a visualizer is to run the visualizer from a test driver.

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当人们认识到它在其他领域中的效用之后,它就作为一种通用科学数据可视化工具重新进行了设计。After its usefulness in other domains was realized, it was redesigned as a general scientific data visualizer.

当您安装它,只是看一个字符串,并在眺按钮以弹出实物。After you have it installed, just watch a string, and click on the Spyglass button to bring up the visualizer.

最近的视觉性的搜索SearchME——模仿Itunes的封面浏览的效果,而早前的一些尝试如kartoo和Ujiko大胆地运用一些及其新潮的视觉呈现效果。The latest visualizer — SearchMe — mimics iTunes’ Cover Flow, while older attempts such as Kartoo and Ujiko bravely tried more futuristic layouts.