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他们却只用猜度的眼睛来观看。And for they look'd but with divining eyes.

但古人只能用理想的眼睛测看。And, for they looked but with divining eyes.

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难道你的屁股有纹上卜问棒?What, you got a divining rod tattooed on your ass?

我对你写的关于探寻水源的文章很感兴趣。I was most interested in your article on water divining.

难道你们不知道像我这样的人会占卜吗?Know you not that there is no one like me in the science of divining.

对伽利略的审判,是发现真理的两种方法的斗争。The trial of Galileo was a struggle between two ways of divining truth.

这里有两种关于通胀的主要预期,但各有瑕疵。There are two main ways of divining expected inflation, each with its own flaws.

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在这块神秘的土地上,推测恒河源头,与其说是一项地理考试不如说是一项宗教信仰的考验。In this mystical landscape, divining the origin is as much a test of faith as of geography.

在很多的文化中,水晶球占卜都被视为解析过去和现在,预测未来的一种方式。Scrying has been used in many cultures as a means of divining the past, present, or future.

显然,跟选民不同,华尔街在预测政党的真正意图方面并不存在问题。Apparently Wall Street, unlike the voters, had no trouble divining the party’s real intentions.

烧完香,免不了也抽根签,试试自己的运气。After burning incense, there's the inevitable drawing of bamboo divining lots to test your fortune.

海南岛除了回族外,其他长住民族都有鸡卜信仰。InHainan Island, except Hut nationality, the residents of the other nationalities believed the "cock-hone divining".

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占卜探测者从不需要科学仪器,依仗一根探测杖他们便可测出地下的水源,金属,或者其他物质。Using a divining rod, a dowser may find water, metals and other substances in the ground without the use of scientific tools.

当决定谁该保有订婚戒指时,法院亦不会考虑是谁提出分手,或为甚麽分手。When divining who gets to keep the engagement ring, courts also do not agree on whether it should matter who did the breaking up or why.

当然,从她的服装来预测时尚趋势是徒劳的,相反,以下三件事是Gaga要告诉我们的,那就是如今的流行音乐产业是如何运作的。Divining fashion trends from her outfits would be fruitless. Instead, here are three things Gaga can tell us about how the music industry works now.

就连最坚持要狭义解释宪法的人也会同意,18世纪有关自然法的思想有助于推测立宪者的“原意”。Even the strictest constructionists would accept that the natural-law thinking of the 18th century is useful in divining the framers' "original intent."

目前,铜鼓仍被广泛地用于求雨、占卜星象、祈求丰收、祈福等各种仪式。At present, the bronze drum still used widely in all kind of ceremony such as praying for rain, divining by astrology, praying for harvest, prays and so on.

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从出土的占卜材料来看,占卜时若遇到有“优”或有“祟”,贞人往往建议人们进行“说”以除之。In the unearthed divining manuscripts, when it appears the worried or evil oracles, people used to be advised to pray to the divinities to exempt from disaster.

当我们为世界的思想,为产生的智力的沟通,为占卜的意义所兴奋时。那是搜寻系统燃烧的原因。He says that when we get thrilled about the world of ideas, about making intellectual connections, about divining meaning, it is the seeking circuits that are firing.

有这样一种说法,探测者有着对磁场的敏感或者可以形成一种超感官知觉,而探测杖帮助探测者用手放大这种无形的磁场运动感觉。The thought is that divining rods amplify invisible movements of the hand coming from the dowser who has some ability to sense magnetic fields or may possess a form of ESP.