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李凡说到。Li Fan said.

培根的大粉丝?Big fan of bacon?

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我是个音乐迷。I am a music fan.

阅读同人小说。Read fan fiction.

我看见范冰冰了。I saw Fan binging.

您也是武侠迷吗?Are you a wushu fan?

我是林俊杰的粉丝。I'm a fan of JJ Lam.

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我的名字是杨凡。My name is Yang Fan.

我是个电影迷。I am a big movie fan.

而我是一名扬基队球迷。And I'm a Yankees fan.

但是,当然,我是一个“哈迷”。But, yeah, I am a fan.

我是各篮球迷。I am a basketball fan.

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我是Dropbox的一名爱好者。I am a fan of Dropbox.

你使用排气扇吗?Exhaust fan do you use?

范夫人在床上坐起来。Mrs. Fan sat up in bed.

她是流行歌曲的名歌星。She is a pop music fan.

清洁抽油烟机。Clean smoke fan filters.

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爱好者提供一显身手的机会。I am a huge fan of golf.

我是大范的内容。I'ma big fan of content.

我是一个极其推崇简约的人。I’m a big fan of simple.