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垂直还是水平?Vertical or horizontal?

垂直微码?。VMC? Vertical MicroCode?

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垂向微码?。VMC? Vertical Micro Code?

山立式站好。Hill Station Vertical good.

垂直系统组?。VSG? Vertical System Group?

适用直角型加工件之倒角。Fit for vertical work piece.

垂直样式控制?。VFC? Vertical Forms Control?

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垂直路径计算机?。VPC? Vertical Path Computer?

洛子峰的垂直的南坡。Lhotse's vertical south face.

悬崖在海边垂直峭立。The cliff rose in a vertical.

垂直格式控制?。VFC? Vertical Format Control?

将悬挂杆件保持垂直。O. Place stems to be vertical.

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垂直数据处理?。VDP? Vertical Data Processing?

垂直冗余码?。VRC? Vertical Redundancy Code?

垂直通道计算机?。VCC? Vertical Channel Computer?

垂直同步?。VSYNC? Vertical SYNChronization?

CH1垂直轴输入端子。The CH1 vertical axis input jack.

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CH2垂直轴输入端子。The CH2 vertical axis input jack.

那座山峰几乎是垂直的。The mountain was almost vertical.

这个是垂直的,Y轨道。This is the vertical direction y.