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做火腿蛋吧,可别。Ham and eggs, no.

西红柿和火腿。Tomatoes and ham.

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她在熏火腿。She was smoking ham.

请来一客火腿蛋。A ham and egg, please.

把火腿片切厚些。Slice the ham thicker.

我不喜欢吃火腿色拉。I don't relish ham salad.

雷欧在舞台上总是抢风头。Leo is a real ham on stage.

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烤牛肉还是熏火腿?Roasted beef or smoked ham?

他们绕过伯明翰。They detoured Birming- ham.

他狼吞虎咽地吃那冷火腿。He tucked into the cold ham.

含是迦南的父亲。Ham was the father of Canaan.

火腿肉洗净煮熟。Boil the ham until it is done.

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你想来一客火腿蛋吗?。DO you feel like ham and eggs?

我喜欢火腿蛋三明治。I like ham and egg sandwiches.

请给我一片火腿肉。Please give me a slice of ham.

这道火煺奶油冻是怎么做的?。And how is this ham mousse made?

我把火腿三明治扔给你I will throw you a ham sandwich.

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约翰尼狼吞虎咽地吃下了冷火腿。Johnny tucked into the cold ham.

星星吞虎咽地大吃火腿。Star tucked in the ham hungrily.

你要加火腿或花生酱吗?Do you want ham or peanut butter?