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没把握的时候就提议设立专案小组。When in doubt, suggest that a subcommittee be appointed.

现在,正如委员会主席汤姆哈金提到的一样,我们已经对它见怪不怪了。Now, as subcommittee chairman Tom Harkin noted, we take them for granted.

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参议院小组已将四项民权法案交回。The Senate subcommittee has already reported out four civil-rights bills.

我作为分委员会的主席,美联储的透明化将是我努力的基石。Fed transparency will be the cornerstone of my efforts as subcommittee chairman.

Solyndra高管将于下周在商务委员会前答辩。Executives from Solyndra are scheduled to testify before the subcommittee next week.

委员会主席可以进一步将其分到最相关的小组委员会。The chair of the committee may then assign the bill to the most appropriate subcommittee.

地区扶轮基金委员会包括一位主委和七位小组委员会主委。The district Rotary Foundation committee consists of a chair and seven subcommittee chairs.

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理想情况下,这个委员会应该是企业级治理委员会的子委员会。This committee ideally should be a subcommittee of an enterprise level governance committee.

小组委员会可以针对提案举行听证会,邀请政府和民间人士作证。The subcommittee may hold hearings on the bill and invite testimony from public and private witnesses.

美国参议院司法委员会反垄断小组委员会目前正在调查谷歌是否利用其市场地位打压竞争对手。The Senate Judiciary subcommittee on anti-trust is looking at whether Google abuses its market position.

姆贝基是进行军火交易决策的委员会主席。"Mbeki was chairperson of the subcommittee that made all the decisions on the arms deal, " says Feinstein.

麦克伊尼斯领导的“森林小组委员会”将在二月份召开生态恐怖主义的听证会。The House subcommittee on forests, which Mr McInnis heads, will hold a hearing on eco-terrorism in February.

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选择夸特是帕尔帕廷议员的主意,他所在委员会负责监督这项工程。The idea to use Kuat was suggested by Senator Palpatine, a member of the subcommittee overseeing the project.

克罗布彻是参议院商务委员会负责竞争、创新和推动出口小组委员会的主席。Klobuchar is Chairwoman of the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Competitiveness, Innovation, and Export Promotion.

共和党领袖们顶住了来自银行业的压力,没有妨碍他成为新的小组主席。Republican leaders resisted pressure fromthe banking industry to block him from his new subcommittee chairmanship.

这位民主党籍的参议员是参议员外交关系委员会东亚和太平洋事务小组委员会主席。The Democrat senator is the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations subcommittee on East Asia and Pacific Affairs.

经众议院通过的提案可直接被列入参议院议事日程,而无需经过委员会和小组委员会的审议。A House-passed bill may be placed directly on the Senate Calendar, bypassing the subcommittee and committee reviews.

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今天,在参议员环境和公共事务儿童健康小组委员会前,摩恩分享了她儿子的故事。Moen shared her son's story in front of the Senate Environment and Public Works Children's Health subcommittee today.

长期以来保罗一直批评美联储,他即将成为议会一个关于货币政策附属委员会的主席。Paul, a longtime critic of the US Federal Reserve, is the incoming chairman of a House subcommittee on monetary policy.

迄今为止,这个小组“基本上只是一个和纪念币打交道的小组”,保罗医生这样分析说。Heretofore, the subcommittee has"basically been a committee that's dealt with commemorative coins, "as Dr. Paul has put it.