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缆绳既可以指粗重的绳子。The hawser can either be thick, heavy ropes.

在钢缆的那一边,是一伙满怀敌意的码头工人。On the other side of the hawser was a hostile knot of young dockers.

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缆绳既可以指粗重的绳子,也可以指船上使用的细钢索。The hawser can either be thick, heavy ropes or a thin steel cable use on ships.

有关人士认为,其母因不忍心让男孩接受化疗而于周一带其一同消失。Authorities believe Colleen Hawser fled with her son Monday to avoid him getting chemo.

锚缆像弓弦一样绷得紧紧的,可见船在用多大的力量想把锚拔起来。The hawser was as taut as a bowstring, and the current so strong she pulled upon her anchor.

计算结果表明,随着系缆索的长度的增加,油船的摇艏运动明显增大。It is clearly to sec that sway motion is increased with the increasing of the length of hawser.

每台设有一个锚链轮,一个系缆筒和一个付缆筒。Each set has an anchor chain lifter, a hawser drum and a warping drum. One spare motor shall be provided for the windlass.

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海水似乎很浅,但我还是割了一段帆索以防万一,然后双手握紧帆索,轻轻翻过船舷滑了下去。It seemed shallow enough, and holding the cut hawser in both hands for a last security, I let myself drop softly overboard.

在首部甲板上安装首楼甲板。锚机,系泊配件和锚链管、艏桅杆处等的甲板结构需要加强。Forecastle deck shall be provided on forward deck. Deck structures in way of windlass, mooring fittings, hawser pipes, foremast etc. shall be reinforced.

一种基于悬索电流场的无线遥操作技术,详细对其原理和电路模型进行了说明和推导,总结基于此原理设计的悬移质采样器的工作情况。A new wireless remote control technology is introduced based on hawser current field The communication theory and the electrical model were illuminated and derived respectively.

锚链筒布置在船舶左右两舷,由钢板制成,每隔锚链筒的下端有铸钢锚唇。Anchor chain hawser pipes shall be mounted on the port and starboard of the ship, made of steel plate. A casting anchor bell mouth shall be fitted at the lower end of hawser pipe.