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不对,是你呆。No, you’re a boob.

我绝不会叫人蠢材。I would never call somebody a boob.

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这位令人不可思议的幸运儿于两年前接受隆胸手术。The victim got a boob job two years ago.

如果你想要高效的精神表现就关掉电视吧。If you want peak mental performance, then turn off the boob tube.

你知道,电视和互联网是冲突的。There's a collision, you see, between the boob tube and the Internet.

没法估计每年做了多少“拙劣的”隆胸手术。There's no way of estimating how many ‘botched’ boob jobs there are each year.

我只会问他们是对女人的胸部感兴趣还是臀部感兴趣,然后就开始工作。I was just going to ask them if they were boob men or butt men and get to work.

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只要孩子一学会这个词,他就能更明确地提醒妈妈--更可能是纠缠妈妈--打开会把人变蠢的电视。The sooner the kid learns the word, the more effectively he can remind -- or nag -- his mother to turn on the boob tube.

许多女孩的两侧胸部发育速度不一致——即很多女孩发现她们自己的一边半球比另一半球要大。Most girls' breasts grow at different rates — and many girls find themselves with one boob that's bigger than its partner.

自从20世纪50年代显像管电视机风靡以来,电视机就被指责为降低美国公众智力的罪魁祸首。Television has been blamed for the dumbing down of the American public since the ascendance of the boob tube in the 1950s.

美国最流行的美容手术就是隆胸,这和橄榄球啦啦队员一样富有美国特色。The most popular cosmetic surgical procedure in the United States is the boob job. It’s as American as a football cheerleader.

这件大露背的毛衣结合了日本宅男们对“高领毛衣”和“侧胸衫”的痴迷。The mega-revealing piece of knitwear combines the nation's nerdy chaps' obsession with "boob turtlenecks" and "side-boob sweaters".

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而今天我们通过在午餐休息这一短暂时间就能得到廉价的隆胸手术、腹部拉皮手术及门诊治疗,以在这一领域获得平等的待遇。today we've leveled the playing field with cheap boob jobs, tummy tucks, and outpatient procedures you can get on your lunch break.

五年之后,被要求观看女性胸部的那一半的患者都降低了血压,减缓了休息时脉搏跳动,以及降低了冠心病发作的几率。For five years, the boob lovers presented a lower blood pressure, slower resting pulse rates and decreased risk of coronary artery disease.

5年中,大胸脯注视者表现为低血压,低脉率,并降低了冠心病的风险。For five years, the boob oglers presented a lower blood pressure, slower resting pulse rates and decreased risk of coronary artery disease.

帕帕多普洛斯博士列举了电脑游戏辣妹美眉为例,该游戏的目标是做丰胸手术和嫁亿万富翁。Dr Papadopoulos cited the example of the computer game Miss Bimbo, where the aim of the game is to accumulate boob jobs and marry a billionaire.

好吧,我承认它有损大脑细胞,它损害人的情绪和心理,但是,如果真没有了电视机,我们会是啥样?Yes, I know it destroys brain cells and renders people emotionally and psychologically damaged, but really, where would we be without the boob tube?

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由于某些笨蛋不加思考、未用合适的工具就涉足词源学的黑暗艺术而导致可怜的亚马逊女战士开始自残身体。The poor Amazons had to start mutilating themselves because some big boob thoughtlessly dabbled in the dark art of etymology without the proper equipment.