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下一步?Next step?

跨到这里。Step here.

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我放慢了脚步。I slowed my step.

下一步是什么?What step is next?

这一步要做两次。Do this step twice.

喜欢脚踩著雨水坑。Step in the puddles.

所有人都踩在他身上.All step on his body.

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他的脚步轻快。His step was springy.

鹿经常会踩上什么?What does it step on?

就剩最后一步了。One last step remains.

那下一步怎么办?The next logical step?

这一步是可选的。This step is optional.

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还要做好下一步的事。We need the next step.

冰雪砌的台阶崩塌了。A snow step avalanched.

这就是第五步。And that was step five.

诗巫的一小步。One small step in Sibu.

雷是我的新继父。Ray is my new step dad.

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那么这就是我们的第一步。So that's our step one.

不要踩到水里去!Don't step in the water!

他听到外头有脚步声。He heard a step outside.