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但是,包头为此付出了高昂的代价。But Baotou has paid a steep price for its supremacy.

包头某科技股份公司成立于2003年。A science and technology company in Baotou was founded in 2003.

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从呼和浩特到包头转包东高速向南50公里。From the east to subcontract Hohhot baotou to 50 km south expressway.

结论包头市外来打工群体存在明显的心理问题。Conclusion Nonnative workers group has serious mental problem in Baotou city.

内蒙古自治区包头市是中国开展创建“无毒社区”活动的一个典范。Baotou City in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is a model in this regard.

龙杰是包头增财物流公司的司机,接受电话采访时,他的声音听起来很疲惫。Sounding frazzled and tired, Mr. Long, a driver for Baotou Zengcai Shipping Co.

发现酸性球团矿的脱碱效果很差。It is found that the dealkalization effect on Baotou acidic pelletized ore is poor.

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因此,对于包钢来说也应重点研究供应链的建立和完善。So Baotou Steel Corp . should centre on establishing and improving the supply chain.

目的了解包头市外来打工群体心理健康状况。Objective To study nonnative workers group psychological health status in Baotou city.

包钢3、4号高炉因风机故障,被迫使用小风机生产,然后用大风机恢复生产。In last two years, small blowers have been used for 4 times at Baotou Steel No. 3 and No.

本文介绍了包钢新建钢轨离线全长淬火工艺的特点。The characters of rail out-line quenching are presented which is achieved at Baotou Steel.

但是目前包头市的城市低保制度在运行中仍然存在着许多问题。However there are lots of problems in running the lowest life guarantee system in Baotou City.

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据发言人说,另外两个到包头的航班转到附近的城市鄂尔多斯和太原。Two other flights were diverted away from Baotou and to the nearby cities of Ordos and Taiyuan.

由包头乘车北行,过固阳县就进入白云鄂博大草原了。Baotou by car from the northbound carriageway, the Guyang County on the Prairie into the Bayan Obo.

包头机场单日进京航班8架次,其中两架次为包头机场过夜航班。Baotou Airport flights to Beijing 8 one-day trips, including two at the airport overnight flight to Baotou.

方法采用自填问卷调查方法,以16PF为测试工具,对包头市在校应届毕业生230名进行测试。Methods With 16PF, a self-administered questionnaire survey was conducted among 230 undergraduates in Baotou.

中国政府也许最终能够控制包头周围宠大的稀土采矿业。The Chinese government may eventually be able to regulate the large rare earth mining industry around Baotou.

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论述包头广电网络分公司前端机房改造的原因、目的和方案。Described the reason, intent and resolution of the rebuild work for Baotou Broadcast & TV branch headend room.

火炬将经过呼和浩特、鄂尔多斯、包头和赤峰,传递过程将采用骑马、骑骆驼、轮滑、漂流等方式。The torch will pass Hohhot, Ordos, Baotou and Chifeng on horses and camels as well as by roller skating and drifting.

本文研究了包钢酸性球团矿氯化脱碱和脱氟。Dealkalization of acidic pelletized ore in Baotou Steel by chlorination and defluorization of the said ore are studied.