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珍模仿布谷鸟的叫声。Jane imitates the cuckoo.

杜鹃道,不如归去。Cuckoo Road, Better go back.

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中庸和咕咕钟“Mediocrity, the cuckoo clock."

杜鹃预示春天的来临。The cuckoo heralds the spring.

杜鹃声里长门暮。The cuckoo in the long twilight.

回答杜鹃的歌吟。Answering to the shouting Cuckoo.

我认为这只是四声杜鹃。I think this is an Indian Cuckoo.

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一只苇莺正在喂养小杜鹃。A reed warbler feeds a baby cuckoo.

世界上的杜鹃大约有142种。There are about 142 species of cuckoo.

产出了什么?,咕咕钟。What did it produce? The cuckoo clock.

温柔的阳光普照大地,布谷鸟儿把歌唱哟Come gentle sun, while the cuckoo sings

“杜鹃鸟”是“布谷鸟”的另一种叫法。Gowk is another name for a cuckoo bird.

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你脑子里没长根弦么?Have you gone cuckoo clock in the head?

光听声音就知道了。是杜鹃鸟。I can tell by its sounds. It's a cuckoo.

类似于天南星的欧洲海芋植物。European arum resembling the cuckoo pint.

在黄昏杜鹃停止了它的啼鸣。The cuckoo ceases its warbling at twilight.

布谷鸟告知春天的到来。The cuckoo harbingers the coming of spring.

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一只布谷鸟开始在一株山楂树里咕咕地呼叫。A cuckoo began calling from a hawthorn tree.

在英国杜鹃鸟是春天的预告。In England the cuckoo is a herald of spring.

在英国,杜鹃鸟预告春天的来临。In England the cuckoo is the herald of spring.