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成绩弥补?To recover the grade?

请问你是几年级?What grade are you in?

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我会给试卷评分。I will grade the paper.

我在六年级一班。I'm in Cless 1 Grade 6.

你在几年级?。Which grade are you in?

高级别血管肉瘤。High grade angiosarcoma.

我在七年级7班上课。I'm in Class 7, Grade 7.

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她教六年级。She teaches sixth grade.

我就读于七年级三班。I am in Class 3, Grade 7.

我比他低一年级。I am one grade below him.

这是在他们9年级的时候。So this was in 9th grade.

他们把苹果按等级分类。They sort apples by grade.

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你的米是上等货吗?Is your rice of fine grade?

你们上几年级?What grade are you guys in?

我在新道街小学上学。I'm in Class ten Grade four.

现在是11年级。He's in 11th grade right now.

你好!你上几年级?Hello! What grade are you in?

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把这看成成绩的赌注Think of this as a grade bid.

我们是几年级的孩子么?What grade are we in, anyway?

我在盘龙小学三年级一班。I'm in Class One, Grade Three.